Summer 2014

From La Quadrature du Net
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Helping us while in vacations[edit]

During vacations, you can have more free time to spend. What about helping us on source code, on design, on transcriptions ?

Research & Developpment[edit]

Translation tool[edit]

Transifex was maybe cool and a good solution but it is no more a free software. Let's try to find an other tool or build one !

Mailing tool[edit]

La Quadrature du Net sends regularly some Press Communications and some Newsletters. For that we need a simple mailing tool.

Follow @UnGarage[edit]

In order to be able to receive events from the twitter account @UnGarage, you should subscribe to twitter. The aim of this project is to give users the possibility to follow this account without subscribe to twitter. A first step has been done but there are only the messages of the account and not all discussions. Plus, the project used IRC channel to follow the account. What should be great would be to have any discussions without any third library in an Atom format.

Actual dev state :


We've got a lot of projects and ideas, but we lack designers. You can try to do some design on some actual projects.


The actual website is quite difficult to read, let's clarify it !


The first page of Memopol does not give any information. Could you try to create an home page more useful ?



There are numerous wiki pages that need updating:


Pages of this wiki are not quite well organized, it should be a good idea to create categories and sort pages. Cleaning content could a good idea too.


A lot of transcriptions are waiting for you ;o)

convergence numérique (FR)

Re:publica (FR)

des clics et des claques europe 1 (FR)

[BBC] Should Google pay for the internet? (EN)

le mouv' (FR)

bfm (FR)

[FranceCulture] L'exception culturelle française à l'épreuve du numérique (FR)

rfi (FR)

france inter (FR)

À relire, corriger et traduire (EN)

À relire (EN)


We have some important texts to translate, from french to english or from english to french.

english --> french[edit]

french --> english[edit]