International agreements

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Here is the beginning of a list of international agreements (beyond intra-European agreements), concluded, abandoned or re-surrected that touch on LQDN dossiers, in particular copyirght and personal data. Separate from the national legislative projects, and the European-wide projects, these international agreements can put in place mechanisms in favour or detrimental to citizen freedom.

  • ACTA - Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (rejected by the European Parliament in 2006) between the US and the EU.
  • CETA - Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (negotiation finished in 2013) between Canada and the EU.
  • GATS - General Agreement on Trade in Services (in force since 1995) between WTO members.
  • TAFTA - Transatlantic Free Trade Agreement (also known as TTIP) (2013 - ) between the US and the EU.
  • TiSA - Trade in Services Agreement - (2013 - ) between some WTO members.
  • TRIPS - Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (in force since 1994 with GATT) between WTO members.

Organisations involved[edit]