TAFTA negotiators
This is the list of known negotiators for TAFTA/TTIP.
See also: https://correctiv.org/en/investigations/ttip/dealer/
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FR : Voici la liste des négociateurs de TAFTA/TTIP dont nous avons connaissance.
Voir aussi : https://correctiv.org/en/investigations/ttip/dealer/
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- 1 EU
- 1.1 Ignacio Garcia Bercero
- 1.2 Damien Levie
- 1.3 John Clarke
- 1.4 Jean-Marc Trarieux
- 1.5 Zoltan Somogyi
- 1.6 Antonis Kastrissianakis
- 1.7 Fernando Perreau de Pinninck
- 1.8 Marco Düerkop
- 1.9 Martin Merlin
- 1.10 Leopoldo Rubinacci
- 1.11 Colin Brown
- 1.12 Geraldine Emberger
- 1.13 Paul De Lusignan
- 1.14 Philippe Jean
- 1.15 Carsten Schittek
- 1.16 Birgit Weidel
- 1.17 Pablo Neira
- 1.18 Klaus Berend
- 1.19 Benjamin Musall
- 1.20 Laurent Selles
- 1.21 Ivone Kaizeler
- 1.22 Sébastien Goux
- 1.23 Roman Mokry
- 1.24 Constantin Livas
- 1.25 Lorenzo Terzi
- 1.26 Ulrich Weigl
- 1.27 Anders Jessen
- 1.28 Pedro Velasco Martins
- 1.29 Raimundo Serra
- 1.30 Monika Hencsey
- 1.31 Christophe Kiener
- 1.32 Blanca Rodriguez
- 1.33 Petros Sourmelis
- 1.34 Denis Redonnet
- 1.35 Luca De Carli
- 2 US (The Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR))
- 2.1 Dan Mullaney
- 2.2 David Weiner
- 2.3 Kate Kalutkiewicz
- 2.4 Isabella Detwiler
- 2.5 Mary Lisa Madell
- 2.6 David Weiner
- 2.7 Thomas Fine
- 2.8 Dawn Shackleford
- 2.9 Robb Tanner
- 2.10 Jean Kemp
- 2.11 David Oliver
- 2.12 Amanda Yarusso-Horan
- 2.13 Gavin Buckley
- 2.14 Scott Pietan
- 2.15 George York
- 2.16 Jai Motwane
- 2.17 Carlos Romero
- 2.18 Amy Karpel
- 2.19 Matthew Jaffe
- 2.20 Arrow Augerot
- 2.21 Sushan Demirjian
- 2.22 Mary Thornton
- 2.23 Rachel Shub
- 2.24 Jason Bernstein
- 2.25 Mary Lisa Madell
- 2.26 Jim Sanford
- 2.27 Barbara Norton
- 2.28 Christina Sevilla
- 2.29 Victor Mroczka
- 2.30 Julia Doherty
- 2.31 Gail Strickler
- 2.32 Caroyl Miller
- 2.33 Victor Mroczka
- 3 France
Overall Coordination
Ignacio Garcia Bercero[edit]
Chief Negotiator, director at the Directorate General for Trade of the European Commission (DG TRADE)
Ignacio Garcia Bercero is a Director in DG Trade of the European Commission. Since 2012 he has been responsible for overseeing EC activities in the fields of Neighbouring Countries, US and Canada as well as being the Chief Negotiator for the EU- India FTA. He coordinated the work of the EU-US High Level Working Group on Growth and Jobs, which recommended the launch of TTIP negotiations.
Working at the European Commission since 1987, from 2005 until 2011 he worked in the areas of Sustainable Development, Bilateral Trade Relations (South Asia, South East Asia, Korea, EuroMed and the Middle East). He was also the Chief Negotiator for the EU-Korea and EU-India Free Trade Agreements. Before that, he worked in the areas of WTO Dispute Settlement, and Trade Barriers Regulation .In the period leading to the launch of the DDA negotiations, he was working on overall coordination of WTO Policy and was Chief Negotiator on Trade and Competition. During the Uruguay Round, he followed, inter alia, negotiations on Safeguards, GATT Articles, Functioning of the GATT and Trade and Environment. He has also been posted in the EU Delegation to the United Nations in New York.
He has written several papers and publications on the subjects of Trade Laws, GATT and WTO System, Safeguard Measures, Trade and Competition, DSU Reform and Dispute Settlement in European FTAs.
Mr Garcia Bercero has a Law Degree from the Law Faculty of Universidad Complutense, Madrid and a Master of Laws Degree ( with Distinction) from University College , London.
Source: http://www.eu-ems.com/speakers.asp?event_id=197&page_id=1668#s2554
Damien Levie[edit]
Deputy Chief Negotiator / Market Access for Goods
Negotiating Area Leaders
John Clarke[edit]
Agriculture & Processed Agriculture Products - Intellectual Property (DG Agriculture and Rural Development)
John Clarke was born in England in 1958, and has a first class Honours degree and an MPhil in literature and politics from the University of London.
Mr Clarke joined the European Commission in 1993. He was Head of Unit for WTO Affairs from 2004 to 2007 and was then appointed Deputy Head of the European Commission Delegation to the international organisations in Geneva.
Mr Clarke was Chargé d'Affaires of the EU Delegation in 2010, representing the EU in the WTO, and the UN agencies. In January 2011 Mr Clarke was appointed Director International Affairs in DG Agriculture and Rural Development, responsible for relations including FTAs with Asia and Latin American countries, neighbourhood policy and EU enlargements.
Before joining the European Commission, Mr Clarke worked from 1983 to 1993 for the Hong Kong Government, positions including Assistant Secretary for broadcasting policy, Deputy Secretary of the Executive Council, member of the HK delegation to the GATT during the Uruguay Round, and Deputy Head of the HK Office in Brussels.
Source: http://www.eu-ems.com/speakers.asp?event_id=197&page_id=1668#s2554
Jean-Marc Trarieux[edit]
Agriculture & Processed Agriculture Products (DG Agriculture and Rural Development)
Zoltan Somogyi[edit]
Agriculture & Processed Agriculture Products
Antonis Kastrissianakis[edit]
Rules of Origin / Sectoral Annexes on Trade in Goods - Customs and Trade Facilitation (DG Taxation and Customs Union)
Fernando Perreau de Pinninck[edit]
Rules of Origin / Regulatory Cluster - Overall co-ordination
Marco Düerkop[edit]
Négociateur en charge des services
Services and Investment - Services / Sub-group on regulatory cooperation in financial services
Directeur adjoint de l’unité services commerciaux
Direction services, investissement, propriété intellectuelle, marchés publics
Direction Générale du Commerce
Martin Merlin[edit]
Services and Investment - Sub-group on regulatory cooperation in financial services (DG Internal Market and Services)
Leopoldo Rubinacci[edit]
Services and Investment - Investment
Colin Brown[edit]
Services and Investment - Investor-State Dispute Settlement Directeur adjoint de l’unité aspects légaux de la politique commerciale Direction OMC, affaires juridiques, commerce de biens Direction Générale du Commerce
Geraldine Emberger[edit]
Regulatory Cluster - Horizontal Chapter on Regulatory Issues; Regulatory Coherence
Paul De Lusignan[edit]
Regulatory Cluster - TBT
Négociateur en charge des barrières techniques au commerce - Directeur de l’unité négociations tarifaires et
non-tarifaires, règles d’origine - Direction OMC, affaires juridiques, commerce de biens - Direction Générale du Commerce
Philippe Jean[edit]
Sectoral Annexes on Trade in Goods - Cars (DG Enterprise and Industry)
Carsten Schittek[edit]
Sectoral Annexes on Trade in Goods - Cars
Birgit Weidel[edit]
Sectoral Annexes on Trade in Goods - Machinery and electronics (DG Enterprise and Industry)
Négociateur en charge des appareils électroniques - Directrice adjointe de l’unité industries d’ingénierie - Direction industries de base, manufacturières, et biens de consommation - Direction Générale Entreprises et Industrie
Pablo Neira[edit]
Sectoral Annexes on Trade in Goods - Machinery and electronics
Klaus Berend[edit]
Sectoral Annexes on Trade in Goods - Chemicals (DG Enterprise and Industry)
Dr. Klaus Berend joined the European Commission in 1994 and is currently Head of Unit in the European Commission’s Directorate-General Enterprise & Industry, responsible for the implementation of the EU Regulation concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH), which sets out the overall framework for regulating chemicals in the EU.
Before, he was Head of Unit in DG Enterprise & Industry, responsible for EU legislation on the Classification, Labelling and Packaging of substances and mixtures (CLP), Good Laboratory Practices (GLP), detergents, fertilisers, drug precursors, explosives and pyrotechnic articles. The unit also dealt with the sustainability and competitiveness of the chemicals industry in the European Union.
Previously, he was Deputy Head of Unit in the Commission’s Directorate General for Environment, Unit Biotechnology & Pesticides, where he co-ordinated the work concerning biocides, plant protection products and the Community’s participation in the Rotterdam Convention on Prior Informed Consent (PIC).
He studied chemistry at the universities of Heidelberg, Freiburg, and Stanford, and obtained a PhD in polymer chemistry from the University of Freiburg (Germany).
Source: http://www.eu-ems.com/speakers.asp?event_id=197&page_id=1668#s2554
Benjamin Musall[edit]
Sectoral Annexes on Trade in Goods - Chemicals
Laurent Selles[edit]
Sectoral Annexes on Trade in Goods - Medical devices (DG Health and Consumers)
Ivone Kaizeler[edit]
Sectoral Annexes on Trade in Goods - Medical devices
Sébastien Goux[edit]
Sectoral Annexes on Trade in Goods - Pharmaceuticals (DG Health and Consumers)
Expérience dans les OGM[edit]
European Commission DG SANCO (santé et consommation). Dr. Goux has a scientific background (Bioengineer, MSc in Soil Science and Environmental Pollution, and PhD in Agronomy). For 5 years, he worked in the Belgian Ministry of Health where he contributed to the implementation of the Novel Food legislation and to the co- ordination of official controls on GMOs and food contaminants. He joined the European Commission in 2005. Since that time, he has contributed to the implementation of the EU legislation on GMOs and in particular on GM food and feed. source : http://www.efsa.europa.eu/en/gmplants/docs/gmo110331-biographies.pdf voir aussi : http://eu-ems.com/speakers.asp?event_id=197&page_id=1668
Compte-rendu d'une intervention orale à propos d'une pétition présentée par le Dr. Brian John "The importance of impartiality within EFSA & the food safety rights of EU citizens (No. 0813/2008)" à caractère apparemment dilatoire: voir http://www.gmfreecymru.org/news/Press_Notice28April2010.htm
Roman Mokry[edit]
Sectoral Annexes on Trade in Goods - Cosmetics (DG Health and Consumers)
Constantin Livas[edit]
Sectoral Annexes on Trade in Goods - Textiles TBT (DG Enterprise and Industry)
Lorenzo Terzi[edit]
Sectoral Annexes on Trade in Goods - Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (DG Health and Consumers)
Ulrich Weigl[edit]
Sectoral Annexes on Trade in Goods - Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures
Anders Jessen[edit]
Sectoral Annexes on Trade in Goods - Public Procurement
Négociateur en charge des marchés publics
Directeur de l’unité propriété intellectuelle, marchés publics - Direction services, investissement, propriété
intellectuelle, marchés publics - Direction Générale du Commerce
Pedro Velasco Martins[edit]
Sectoral Annexes on Trade in Goods - Intellectual Property
Négociateur en charge de la propriété intellectuelle
Directeur adjoint de l’unité propriété intellectuelle, marchés publics
Direction services, investissement, propriété intellectuelle, marchés publics
Direction Générale du Commerce
Raimundo Serra[edit]
Sectoral Annexes on Trade in Goods - Intellectual Property (GIs) (DG Agriculture and Rural Development)
Monika Hencsey[edit]
Sectoral Annexes on Trade in Goods - Trade and Sustainable Development (labour and environment)
Christophe Kiener[edit]
Sectoral Annexes on Trade in Goods - Competition Policy; State Owned Enterprises and other enterprises benefiting from special government granted rights; Subsidies
Blanca Rodriguez[edit]
Sectoral Annexes on Trade in Goods - Competition Policy; State Owned Enterprises and other enterprises benefiting from special government granted rights; Subsidies (DG Competition)
Petros Sourmelis[edit]
Sectoral Annexes on Trade in Goods - Trade-related Aspects of Raw Materials and Energy
Denis Redonnet[edit]
Sectoral Annexes on Trade in Goods - Customs and Trade Facilitation - SMEs - Other rules
Négociateur en charge des petites et moyennes entreprises
Directeur de l’unité stratégie commerciale - Direction stratégie commerciale, analyse, accès au marché - Direction Générale du Commerce
Luca De Carli[edit]
Sectoral Annexes on Trade in Goods - Dispute Settlement
US (The Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR))[edit]
Overall Coordination
Dan Mullaney[edit]
David Weiner[edit]
Kate Kalutkiewicz[edit]
Isabella Detwiler[edit]
Negotiating Team Coordinator
Negotiating Area Leads
Mary Lisa Madell[edit]
Agricultural Market Access
David Weiner[edit]
Thomas Fine[edit]
Cross-Border Services
Dawn Shackleford[edit]
Customs and Trade Facilitation
Robb Tanner[edit]
Electronic Commerce and Telecommunications
Jean Kemp[edit]
Energy and Raw Materials
David Oliver[edit]
Amanda Yarusso-Horan[edit]
Financial Services
Gavin Buckley[edit]
Financial Services
Scott Pietan[edit]
Government Procurement
George York[edit]
Intellectual Property Rights
Jai Motwane[edit]
Carlos Romero[edit]
Amy Karpel[edit]
Legal/Institutional Issues
Matthew Jaffe[edit]
Legal/Institutional Issues
Arrow Augerot[edit]
Localization Barriers
Sushan Demirjian[edit]
Market Access and Industrial Goods Tariffs
Mary Thornton[edit]
Market Access and Industrial Goods Tariffs
Rachel Shub[edit]
Regulatory Coherence and Transparency
Jason Bernstein[edit]
Rules of Origin
Mary Lisa Madell[edit]
Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) Measures
Jim Sanford[edit]
Sectoral Annexes/Regulatory Cooperation
Barbara Norton[edit]
Sectoral Annexes/Regulatory Cooperation
Christina Sevilla[edit]
Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises
Victor Mroczka[edit]
State-Owned Enterprises
Julia Doherty[edit]
Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT)
Gail Strickler[edit]
Caroyl Miller[edit]
Victor Mroczka[edit]
Trade Remedies
?, Ministre[edit]
Représentant de la France au Conseil de l’Union européenne, formation affaires étrangères (partie politique commerciale commune)
Etienne Oudot de Dainville, Sous-directeur Direction générale du Trésor[edit]
Représentant titulaire de la France au Comité de politique commerciale de l'Union européenne
=== Aymeric Pontvianne, Chef du bureau, Direction générale du Trésor ===
Représentant suppléant de la France au Comité de politique commerciale de l'Union européenne
diplômé de l’Institut d’études politiques de Paris est un ancien élève de l’ENA (promotion Romain Gary en 2005), la même promotion que l’actuel ministre du commerce extérieur, Matthias Fekl). Maître des requêtes au Conseil d’État, chef de bureau pour la politique commerciale de l’OMC et des accords commerciaux de l’Union Européenne, il est le représentant suppléant de la France au Comité de politique commerciale de l’Union Européenne.