TAFTA documents

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(there have been more leaks, please add them if you have the time)

The directives for the negotiation on TAFTA, as adopted by the Foreign Affairs Council (Trade) on 14 June 2013.

Documents published by institutions[edit]

Initial EU Position Papers[edit]


Summary of recommendations: 1) European Union values are vital levers for building a negotiating strategy on the digital chapter; 2) Europe’s digital market structure must be based on lasting safeguards: the right to regulate, the ability to regulate in the future, and respect for the European Union’s sovereignty and freedom of competition are among their number. They must be used in negotiating the digital chapter of the proposed partnership; 3) The European Union is in a position to add to the opening-up and extension of its digital market by developing trade relations with new partners such as countries in Asia and Africa; 4) With a market of 500 million consumers, mobilisation of both public and private stakeholders is a priority: putting together a digital strategy and strengthening alliances between Member States are both positive levers for successful trade negotiation.

This study discusses the potential impact of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership agreement on the EU acquis in the areas of the environment and food safety. It recommends, in particular, that the European Parliament pay very close attention to the precise wording of provisions regarding the environment, food safety, and investment set out in the final text to ensure that both parties are able to maintain the environmental and consumer protection standards they deem appropriate, as provided for in the European Commission’s negotiating mandate.

The proposed EU-US Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partners hip (TTIP/TAFTA), and its socio-economic & environmental consequences

The EU negotiating mandate for a far-reaching free trade agreement with the US reveals the European Commission’s plans to enshrine more powers for corporations in the deal. The proposal follows a persistent campaign by industry lobby groups and law firms to empower large companies to challenge regulations both at home and abroad if they affect their profits. As a result, EU member states could soon find domestic laws to protect the public interest challenged in secretive, offshore tribunals where national laws have no weight and politicians no powers to intervene. Read the updated version of our initial analysis from June this year.

DG Trade (PVM) presented the steps taken so far and the future ones in view of the discussion with the US on the IPR chapter.

News articles and analysis by topic[edit]


Check out articles by Glyn Moody


See also

Data Protection[edit]

Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS)[edit]

(see also this page : https://wiki.laquadrature.net/ISDS_Consultation and the list of Glynn Moody articles below)

Transparency, Obfuscation and Lobbying[edit]

In general, checking out the website of Corporate Europe Observatory is probably the best way to start. Here is a list of articles they published, but it is by no means exhaustive.

Agriculture & Environment[edit]


Other sources of information[edit]

Marietje Schaake[edit]

Schaake is a Member of the European Parliament.

Michael Geist[edit]

unclassified articles (need to be classed)[edit]


Attac (France)[edit]

There are many relevant articles on ATTAC's website (in French), here is a selection:

Stop Tafta Coalition (France)[edit]

This website contains many articles and videos on TAFTA, especially in French.

Prolific news sources[edit]



Updates by Glyn Moody[edit]

This is all taken from Open Enterprise webpage on ComputerWorldUK's website.

  • Update XXIII: Why the European Commission's consultation on ISDS is a sham, and fails to provide the promised "draft"
  • Update XXII: ISDS attacks on EU nations have begun - and that's before TTIP would make it even more likely and costly
  • Update XXI: Why that best-case "€119 bn" GDP boost to EU economy equates to just an extra cup of coffee every month
  • Update XX: All about transparency in TTIP - or, rather, the almost complete lack of it; includes details of three phantom EU consultations I never heard about, and few took part in
  • Update XIX: A newly-discovered CETA bug shows why the European Commission needs transparency; also, why regulatory data must be opendata
  • Update XVIII: New leaks, new Web sites, a hidden threat from the "most-favoured nation" approach, and an astonishing claim that Germany wants ISDS out of TTIP
  • Update XVII: Bad news, lots of leaks, plus debunking another misleading European Commission documents
  • Update XVI: More details emerge on ISDS provisions, and a rather ironic call for transparency from the paranoid opaque USTR (United States Trade Representative)
  • Update XV: There are growing calls to keep data protection out of TAFTA/TTIP - and to reject the agreement if the privacy of European citizens is not adequately protected.
  • Update XIV: What new CETA leaks tell us about EU's plans to re-vamp ISDS - and why they aren't enough to protect European sovereignty or democracy
  • Update XIII: Big news: EU pulls ISDS to allow unprecedented public consultation; UK report says ISDS in TTIP would bring little or no benefit.
  • Update XII: Why the US Fast Track bill guarantees that TAFTA's ISDS chapter will be one-sided and unfair for EU companies.
  • Update XI: So it looks like TAFTA/TTIP is, in fact, ACTA by the backdoor - despite what Mr De Gucht has said...
  • Update X: Another (failed) attack, this time by Karel De Gucht, the EU's trade commissioner, who laughably tries to claim that there is no lack of transparency in the TAFTA negotiations, and that it's worth accepting the threats posed by ISDS.
  • Update IX: How an astonishing attack on Corporate Europe Observatory reveals a floundering European Commission increasingly concerned that it is losing control of the TAFTA/TTIP debate.
  • Update VIII: Lifting the lid on how a new transatlantic "TTIP Regulatory Council" would bring in massive deregulation, with a consequent lowering of food, health and environmental standards in Europe.
  • Update VII: Yet another, increasingly desperate attempt to justify the unjustifiable inclusion of ISDS in TAFTA/TTIP, and why the arguments simply don't stand up to scrutiny.
  • Update VI: An analysis of a leaked document outlining the European Commission's communication strategy for TAFTA/TTIP, and a look at how disastrous other trade agreements like NAFTA and KORUS have been.
  • Update V: A discussion of a major Wikileaks document discussing intellectual monopolies in TAFTA/TTIP's sister agreement, TPP, and what it means for TTIP.
  • Update IV: An exploration of how the public is kept in the dark over TAFTA/TTIP, and the dangrous asymmetries it contains.
  • Update III: A point-by-point rebuttal of a document in which the European Commission tries to prove that the presence of investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) in TTIP is not a problem.
  • Update II: An introduction to investor-state dispute resolution (ISDS), and why its presence in TAFTA/TTIP is a grave threat to European sovereignty, open source and the Internet.
  • Update I: A review of the few details that emerged from the first round of negotiations, including an attempt by the European Commission to convince us that TAFTA/TTIP is not another ACTA.

Twitter accounts[edit]