ACTA resolution SD

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Political Memory: Resolution on Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA), Results for group Groupe de l'Alliance Progressiste des Socialistes et Démocrates au Parlement européen {{#icon:SD.png|Groupe de l'Alliance Progressiste des Socialistes et Démocrates au Parlement européen}}

Rank MEP Country Final score
3 Josefa ANDRÉS BAREA Spain ACTA_resolution_ES}} Spain 100.0 Show details
4 Kriton ARSENIS Greece ACTA_resolution_GR}} Greece 100.0 Show details
6 Maria BADIA i CUTCHET Spain ACTA_resolution_ES}} Spain 100.0 Show details
7 Francesca BALZANI Italy ACTA_resolution_IT}} Italy 100.0 Show details
8 Zigmantas BALČYTIS Lithuania ACTA_resolution_LT}} Lithuania 100.0 Show details
12 Vilija BLINKEVIČIŪTĖ Lithuania ACTA_resolution_LT}} Lithuania 100.0 Show details
13 Rita BORSELLINO Italy ACTA_resolution_IT}} Italy 100.0 Show details
15 Emine BOZKURT Netherlands ACTA_resolution_NL}} Netherlands 100.0 Show details
16 Udo BULLMANN Germany ACTA_resolution_DE}} Germany 100.0 Show details
18 Nessa CHILDERS Ireland ACTA_resolution_IE}} Ireland 100.0 Show details
20 Ole CHRISTENSEN Denmark ACTA_resolution_DK}} Denmark 100.0 Show details
23 Rosario CROCETTA Italy ACTA_resolution_IT}} Italy 100.0 Show details
24 George Sabin CUTAŞ Romania ACTA_resolution_RO}} Romania 100.0 Show details
26 Leonardo DOMENICI Italy ACTA_resolution_IT}} Italy 100.0 Show details
29 Monika FLAŠÍKOVÁ BEŇOVÁ Slovakia ACTA_resolution_SK}} Slovakia 100.0 Show details
30 Knut FLECKENSTEIN Germany ACTA_resolution_DE}} Germany 100.0 Show details
31 Eider GARDIAZÁBAL RUBIAL Spain ACTA_resolution_ES}} Spain 100.0 Show details
32 Evelyne GEBHARDT Germany ACTA_resolution_DE}} Germany 100.0 Show details
33 Jens GEIER Germany ACTA_resolution_DE}} Germany 100.0 Show details
34 Lidia Joanna GERINGER de OEDENBERG Poland ACTA_resolution_PL}} Poland 100.0 Show details
35 Adam GIEREK Poland ACTA_resolution_PL}} Poland 100.0 Show details
36 Norbert GLANTE Germany ACTA_resolution_DE}} Germany 100.0 Show details
37 Louis GRECH Malta ACTA_resolution_MT}} Malta 100.0 Show details
38 Estelle GRELIER France ACTA_resolution_FR}} France 100.0 Show details
40 Enrique GUERRERO SALOM Spain ACTA_resolution_ES}} Spain 100.0 Show details
41 Liem HOANG NGOC France ACTA_resolution_FR}} France 100.0 Show details
45 Iliana Malinova IOTOVA Bulgaria ACTA_resolution_BG}} Bulgaria 100.0 Show details
46 María IRIGOYEN PÉREZ Spain ACTA_resolution_ES}} Spain 100.0 Show details
47 Cătălin Sorin IVAN Romania ACTA_resolution_RO}} Romania 100.0 Show details
48 Liisa JAAKONSAARI Finland ACTA_resolution_FI}} Finland 100.0 Show details
50 Dan JØRGENSEN Denmark ACTA_resolution_DK}} Denmark 100.0 Show details
51 Karin KADENBACH Austria ACTA_resolution_AT}} Austria 100.0 Show details
52 Evgeni KIRILOV Bulgaria ACTA_resolution_BG}} Bulgaria 100.0 Show details
54 Maria Eleni KOPPA Greece ACTA_resolution_GR}} Greece 100.0 Show details
55 Constanze Angela KREHL Germany ACTA_resolution_DE}} Germany 100.0 Show details
58 Jörg LEICHTFRIED Austria ACTA_resolution_AT}} Austria 100.0 Show details
59 Bogusław LIBERADZKI Poland ACTA_resolution_PL}} Poland 100.0 Show details
63 Olle LUDVIGSSON Sweden ACTA_resolution_SE}} Sweden 100.0 Show details
65 Vladimír MAŇKA Slovakia ACTA_resolution_SK}} Slovakia 100.0 Show details
67 Emilio MENÉNDEZ del VALLE Spain ACTA_resolution_ES}} Spain 100.0 Show details
68 Judith A. MERKIES Netherlands ACTA_resolution_NL}} Netherlands 100.0 Show details
69 María MUÑIZ DE URQUIZA Spain ACTA_resolution_ES}} Spain 100.0 Show details
70 Norbert NEUSER Germany ACTA_resolution_DE}} Germany 100.0 Show details
71 Wojciech Michał OLEJNICZAK Poland ACTA_resolution_PL}} Poland 100.0 Show details
72 Justas Vincas PALECKIS Lithuania ACTA_resolution_LT}} Lithuania 100.0 Show details
73 Chrysoula PALIADELI Greece ACTA_resolution_GR}} Greece 100.0 Show details
74 Pier Antonio PANZERI Italy ACTA_resolution_IT}} Italy 100.0 Show details
75 Gilles PARGNEAUX France ACTA_resolution_FR}} France 100.0 Show details
76 Ioan Mircea PAŞCU Romania ACTA_resolution_RO}} Romania 100.0 Show details
77 Vincent PEILLON France ACTA_resolution_FR}} France 100.0 Show details
78 Mario PIRILLO Italy ACTA_resolution_IT}} Italy 100.0 Show details
79 Gianni PITTELLA Italy ACTA_resolution_IT}} Italy 100.0 Show details
80 Rovana PLUMB Romania ACTA_resolution_RO}} Romania 100.0 Show details
81 Anni PODIMATA Greece ACTA_resolution_GR}} Greece 100.0 Show details
83 Evelyn REGNER Austria ACTA_resolution_AT}} Austria 100.0 Show details
85 Mitro REPO Finland ACTA_resolution_FI}} Finland 100.0 Show details
86 Ulrike RODUST Germany ACTA_resolution_DE}} Germany 100.0 Show details
87 Carmen ROMERO LÓPEZ Spain ACTA_resolution_ES}} Spain 100.0 Show details
88 Dagmar ROTH-BEHRENDT Germany ACTA_resolution_DE}} Germany 100.0 Show details
93 Edward SCICLUNA Malta ACTA_resolution_MT}} Malta 100.0 Show details
94 Olga SEHNALOVÁ Czech Republic ACTA_resolution_CZ}} Czech Republic 100.0 Show details
95 Joanna SENYSZYN Poland ACTA_resolution_PL}} Poland 100.0 Show details
97 Monika SMOLKOVÁ Slovakia ACTA_resolution_SK}} Slovakia 100.0 Show details
98 Georgios STAVRAKAKIS Greece ACTA_resolution_GR}} Greece 100.0 Show details
99 Jutta STEINRUCK Germany ACTA_resolution_DE}} Germany 100.0 Show details
101 Antolín SÁNCHEZ PRESEDO Spain ACTA_resolution_ES}} Spain 100.0 Show details
102 Marc TARABELLA Belgium ACTA_resolution_BE}} Belgium 100.0 Show details
104 Patrice TIROLIEN France ACTA_resolution_FR}} France 100.0 Show details
105 Catherine TRAUTMANN France ACTA_resolution_FR}} France 100.0 Show details
107 Marita ULVSKOG Sweden ACTA_resolution_SE}} Sweden 100.0 Show details
110 Bernadette VERGNAUD France ACTA_resolution_FR}} France 100.0 Show details
111 Henri WEBER France ACTA_resolution_FR}} France 100.0 Show details
113 Luis YÁÑEZ-BARNUEVO GARCÍA Spain ACTA_resolution_ES}} Spain 100.0 Show details
114 Boris ZALA Slovakia ACTA_resolution_SK}} Slovakia 100.0 Show details
115 Janusz Władysław ZEMKE Poland ACTA_resolution_PL}} Poland 100.0 Show details
116 Francesco DE ANGELIS Italy ACTA_resolution_IT}} Italy 100.0 Show details
120 Proinsias DE ROSSA Ireland ACTA_resolution_IE}} Ireland 100.0 Show details
121 Silvia-Adriana ŢICĂU Romania ACTA_resolution_RO}} Romania 100.0 Show details
122 John ATTARD-MONTALTO Malta ACTA_resolution_MT}} Malta 99.9 Show details
123 Françoise CASTEX France ACTA_resolution_FR}} France 99.9 Show details
126 Richard FALBR Czech Republic ACTA_resolution_CZ}} Czech Republic 99.9 Show details
131 Roberto GUALTIERI Italy ACTA_resolution_IT}} Italy 99.9 Show details
132 Sylvie GUILLAUME France ACTA_resolution_FR}} France 99.9 Show details
135 Kyriakos MAVRONIKOLAS Cyprus ACTA_resolution_CY}} Cyprus 99.9 Show details
136 Bernhard RAPKAY Germany ACTA_resolution_DE}} Germany 99.9 Show details
137 Libor ROUČEK Czech Republic ACTA_resolution_CZ}} Czech Republic 99.9 Show details
138 David-Maria SASSOLI Italy ACTA_resolution_IT}} Italy 99.9 Show details
139 Birgit SIPPEL Germany ACTA_resolution_DE}} Germany 99.9 Show details
140 Daciana Octavia SÂRBU Romania ACTA_resolution_RO}} Romania 99.9 Show details
141 Patrizia TOIA Italy ACTA_resolution_IT}} Italy 99.9 Show details
143 Kristian VIGENIN Bulgaria ACTA_resolution_BG}} Bulgaria 99.9 Show details
145 Kader ARIF France ACTA_resolution_FR}} France 99.8 Show details
146 Pervenche BERÈS France ACTA_resolution_FR}} France 99.8 Show details
147 Alejandro CERCAS Spain ACTA_resolution_ES}} Spain 99.8 Show details
148 Ricardo CORTÉS LASTRA Spain ACTA_resolution_ES}} Spain 99.8 Show details
149 Frédéric DAERDEN Belgium ACTA_resolution_BE}} Belgium 99.8 Show details
150 Robert DUŠEK Czech Republic ACTA_resolution_CZ}} Czech Republic 99.8 Show details
151 Harlem DÉSIR France ACTA_resolution_FR}} France 99.8 Show details
152 Vasilica Viorica DĂNCILĂ Romania ACTA_resolution_RO}} Romania 99.8 Show details
154 Ioan ENCIU Romania ACTA_resolution_RO}} Romania 99.8 Show details
155 Tanja FAJON Slovenia ACTA_resolution_SI}} Slovenia 99.8 Show details
156 Jutta HAUG Germany ACTA_resolution_DE}} Germany 99.8 Show details
157 Anna HEDH Sweden ACTA_resolution_SE}} Sweden 99.8 Show details
162 Ivailo KALFIN Bulgaria ACTA_resolution_BG}} Bulgaria 99.8 Show details
164 Stavros LAMBRINIDIS Greece ACTA_resolution_GR}} Greece 99.8 Show details
165 Bernd LANGE Germany ACTA_resolution_DE}} Germany 99.8 Show details
167 Jo LEINEN Germany ACTA_resolution_DE}} Germany 99.8 Show details
169 Juan Fernando LÓPEZ AGUILAR Spain ACTA_resolution_ES}} Spain 99.8 Show details
172 Katarína NEVEĎALOVÁ Slovakia ACTA_resolution_SK}} Slovakia 99.8 Show details
173 Antigoni PAPADOPOULOU Cyprus ACTA_resolution_CY}} Cyprus 99.8 Show details
174 Pavel POC Czech Republic ACTA_resolution_CZ}} Czech Republic 99.8 Show details
177 Christel SCHALDEMOSE Denmark ACTA_resolution_DK}} Denmark 99.8 Show details
178 Debora SERRACCHIANI Italy ACTA_resolution_IT}} Italy 99.8 Show details
179 Peter SIMON Germany ACTA_resolution_DE}} Germany 99.8 Show details
183 Zoran THALER Slovenia ACTA_resolution_SI}} Slovenia 99.8 Show details
184 Britta THOMSEN Denmark ACTA_resolution_DK}} Denmark 99.8 Show details
186 Kerstin WESTPHAL Germany ACTA_resolution_DE}} Germany 99.8 Show details
187 Paolo DE CASTRO Italy ACTA_resolution_IT}} Italy 99.8 Show details
189 Sergio Gaetano COFFERATI Italy ACTA_resolution_IT}} Italy 99.7 Show details
190 Spyros DANELLIS Greece ACTA_resolution_GR}} Greece 99.7 Show details
192 Saïd EL KHADRAOUI Belgium ACTA_resolution_BE}} Belgium 99.7 Show details
193 Göran FÄRM Sweden ACTA_resolution_SE}} Sweden 99.7 Show details
194 Iratxe GARCÍA PÉREZ Spain ACTA_resolution_ES}} Spain 99.7 Show details
195 Sergio GUTIÉRREZ PRIETO Spain ACTA_resolution_ES}} Spain 99.7 Show details
196 Petra KAMMEREVERT Germany ACTA_resolution_DE}} Germany 99.7 Show details
199 Sylvana RAPTI Greece ACTA_resolution_GR}} Greece 99.7 Show details
200 Teresa RIERA MADURELL Spain ACTA_resolution_ES}} Spain 99.7 Show details
203 Hannes SWOBODA Austria ACTA_resolution_AT}} Austria 99.7 Show details
207 Matthias GROOTE Germany ACTA_resolution_DE}} Germany 99.6 Show details
212 Guido MILANA Italy ACTA_resolution_IT}} Italy 99.6 Show details
213 Adrian SEVERIN Romania ACTA_resolution_RO}} Romania 99.6 Show details
214 Claudiu Ciprian TĂNĂSESCU Romania ACTA_resolution_RO}} Romania 99.6 Show details
216 Ismail ERTUG Germany ACTA_resolution_DE}} Germany 99.5 Show details
218 Alan KELLY Ireland ACTA_resolution_IE}} Ireland 99.5 Show details
219 Alexander MIRSKY Latvia ACTA_resolution_LV}} Latvia 99.5 Show details
220 Ivari PADAR Estonia ACTA_resolution_EE}} Estonia 99.5 Show details
221 Andres PERELLO RODRIGUEZ Spain ACTA_resolution_ES}} Spain 99.5 Show details
223 Barbara WEILER Germany ACTA_resolution_DE}} Germany 99.5 Show details
224 Véronique DE KEYSER Belgium ACTA_resolution_BE}} Belgium 99.5 Show details
225 Luis Manuel CAPOULAS SANTOS Portugal ACTA_resolution_PT}} Portugal 99.4 Show details
227 Wolfgang KREISSL-DÖRFLER Germany ACTA_resolution_DE}} Germany 99.4 Show details
228 Stéphane LE FOLL France ACTA_resolution_FR}} France 99.4 Show details
229 Kathleen VAN BREMPT Belgium ACTA_resolution_BE}} Belgium 99.4 Show details
230 Zuzana BRZOBOHATÁ Czech Republic ACTA_resolution_CZ}} Czech Republic 99.3 Show details
232 Jiří HAVEL Czech Republic ACTA_resolution_CZ}} Czech Republic 99.2 Show details
233 Miguel Angel MARTÍNEZ MARTÍNEZ Spain ACTA_resolution_ES}} Spain 99.2 Show details
236 Marek SIWIEC Poland ACTA_resolution_PL}} Poland 99.1 Show details
237 Gianluca SUSTA Italy ACTA_resolution_IT}} Italy 99.1 Show details
240 Robert GOEBBELS Luxembourg ACTA_resolution_LU}} Luxembourg 98.9 Show details
241 Martin SCHULZ Germany ACTA_resolution_DE}} Germany 98.9 Show details
242 Thijs BERMAN Netherlands ACTA_resolution_NL}} Netherlands 98.8 Show details
308 Corina CREŢU Romania ACTA_resolution_RO}} Romania 31.2 Show details
310 Antonio MASIP HIDALGO Spain ACTA_resolution_ES}} Spain 30.6 Show details
314 Ana GOMES Portugal ACTA_resolution_PT}} Portugal 29.0 Show details
315 Edit HERCZOG Hungary ACTA_resolution_HU}} Hungary 28.9 Show details
316 Edite ESTRELA Portugal ACTA_resolution_PT}} Portugal 28.6 Show details
318 Luís Paulo ALVES Portugal ACTA_resolution_PT}} Portugal 28.5 Show details
323 Zita GURMAI Hungary ACTA_resolution_HU}} Hungary 28.1 Show details
324 Elisa FERREIRA Portugal ACTA_resolution_PT}} Portugal 28.0 Show details
325 Kinga GÖNCZ Hungary ACTA_resolution_HU}} Hungary 27.8 Show details
326 Csaba Sándor TABAJDI Hungary ACTA_resolution_HU}} Hungary 27.8 Show details
327 Vital MOREIRA Portugal ACTA_resolution_PT}} Portugal 27.6 Show details
330 António Fernando CORREIA DE CAMPOS Portugal ACTA_resolution_PT}} Portugal 27.3 Show details
344 Mary HONEYBALL United Kingdom ACTA_resolution_GB}} United Kingdom 6.3 Show details
347 Claude MORAES United Kingdom ACTA_resolution_GB}} United Kingdom 5.6 Show details
348 Arlene McCARTHY United Kingdom ACTA_resolution_GB}} United Kingdom 5.5 Show details
352 Stephen HUGHES United Kingdom ACTA_resolution_GB}} United Kingdom 5.2 Show details
353 David MARTIN United Kingdom ACTA_resolution_GB}} United Kingdom 5.1 Show details
354 Peter SKINNER United Kingdom ACTA_resolution_GB}} United Kingdom 5.1 Show details
355 Catherine STIHLER United Kingdom ACTA_resolution_GB}} United Kingdom 5.1 Show details
356 Glenis WILLMOTT United Kingdom ACTA_resolution_GB}} United Kingdom 5.1 Show details
358 Linda McAVAN United Kingdom ACTA_resolution_GB}} United Kingdom 5.0 Show details
359 Derek VAUGHAN United Kingdom ACTA_resolution_GB}} United Kingdom 5.0 Show details
362 Brian SIMPSON United Kingdom ACTA_resolution_GB}} United Kingdom 4.8 Show details
365 Michael CASHMAN United Kingdom ACTA_resolution_GB}} United Kingdom 4.6 Show details
366 Richard HOWITT United Kingdom ACTA_resolution_GB}} United Kingdom 4.6 Show details

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