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(Page créée avec « Plus, police searches on data processing systems and terminal equipments present are now more precise. They can happen on any equipment, including storage present on the p... »)
(Page créée avec « == Modification of article 13 - Increased sentences == »)
Ligne 44 : Ligne 44 :
Plus, police searches on data processing systems and terminal equipments present are now more precise. They can happen on any equipment, including storage present on the place or reachable "through a initial system or available for the initial system'. Such a proposal allows police searches of other networked computer and can bring to the search of a very large number of storage systems and equipments, of any digital social life and activity of an individual, regarding to what will be accessible from the initial equipments. Nothing is said on access (passwords...) and how they can be requested.
Plus, police searches on data processing systems and terminal equipments present are now more precise. They can happen on any equipment, including storage present on the place or reachable "through a initial system or available for the initial system'. Such a proposal allows police searches of other networked computer and can bring to the search of a very large number of storage systems and equipments, of any digital social life and activity of an individual, regarding to what will be accessible from the initial equipments. Nothing is said on access (passwords...) and how they can be requested.
== Modification de l'article 13 - Augmentation des peines ==
== Modification of article 13 - Increased sentences ==
Current law allows the following sentences of the violation of article 5, 6? 8, 9 and 11 (2°)
Current law allows the following sentences of the violation of article 5, 6? 8, 9 and 11 (2°)

Version du 1 décembre 2015 à 16:35

Autres langues :
English • ‎français

See the legislative folder (fr) on the website of the French National Assembly.

Article 1

3 months extension without justification

Modification of the article 6 - House arrest

In the current law, house arrest must be done in a ward or place of any resident of the zone currently under state of emergency. The bill says that house arrests must be decided in "set locations" by the minister of the Interior. The formulation is vague and allows to define a place (district, ward or other).

Moreover, house arrest in the law can only be decided for people whom "activity is proven to be dangerous of the security and the public order". The bill provides to apply this on people for whom "exists serious reasons to think that the behaviour constitutes a threat for the security and public order".

  • No definition of "serious reasons". The impact study explains that targeted individuals are those who "called the attention of the police or intelligence services by their behaviour or their attendance, statements or projects."
  • To prevent a threat, this threat must not be necessarily serious but solely targeting security and public order.

This proposal is very vague and could put in house arrest a large number or people who are under surveillance (through algorithmic surveillance, for example) and who could be innocent. Moreover, the scope is extremely wide and doesn't apply only to terrorism but could apply to gathering, for instance.

New proposals are also introduced on the modalities of house arrest: police escort, scheduled checking, handing of identity documents.

The provisions on house arrest end with the end of the state of emergency.

New article 6.1 - Dissolution of associations or de facto groups

The bill introduces a new article allowing the administrative dissolution of de facto groups (at least 2 individuals) under 2 cumulative conditions:

  • those associations or de facto groups must participate to "the realisation of actions jeopardising seriously public order or whom activities allow or push to this realisation".
  • and which "include within or among their regular relations" people in house arrest.

Through an amendment (see hereunder), the 2nd condition is deleted, it is only needed that an association or a group meets the 1st condition to be potentially dissolved.

The impact study indicates clearly that the goal is to charge the behaviour of few members to the whole association. Though, it clarifies the targeted associations, those "through law or de facto, on a logistical basis or recruiting centre for activities being a serious threat to public order of public security." The wording of the article remains vague and could target a very large number of associations (political or other).

It is important to see that the proposal of dissolution of association or de facto group does not end at the end of the state of emergency. This mean that any organisation being dissolved under those exceptional condition would have the interdiction to be recreate at the end of the state of emergency. Considering the blurriness around those dissolution condition, this disposition is particularly dangerous.

Modification of article 11 - Police search including data processing systems

The bill presents an improvement by protecting the workplace of protected professing (parliamentary mandate, professional activity of lawyers, magistrates and journalists). Though, it must be the workplace not the residence. If the data processing system is considered to be an extension of the workplace, it is nevertheless possible that many use the same systems for professional and personal reasons. Thus, it is necessary to penetrate those systems to determine the professional or personal nature of the systems or terminals.

Moreover, the bill forces to inform the public prosecutor (procureur de la République) and forces the presence of an officer of judiciary police, as well as the presence of the proprietary (or two eye-witnesses). Those dispositions aren't in the current law.

However, those police search must take place in other places if there are "serious reasons to believe that the place is visited by a person whom behaviour constitutes a threat to security and public order". This wording is, again too vague and opens the possibility to police searches in numerous places (residence, organisation or companies...). It is not necessarily the residence of the targeted individual. The impact study targets among other things a vehicle but the law remains too vague.

Plus, police searches on data processing systems and terminal equipments present are now more precise. They can happen on any equipment, including storage present on the place or reachable "through a initial system or available for the initial system'. Such a proposal allows police searches of other networked computer and can bring to the search of a very large number of storage systems and equipments, of any digital social life and activity of an individual, regarding to what will be accessible from the initial equipments. Nothing is said on access (passwords...) and how they can be requested.

Modification of article 13 - Increased sentences

Current law allows the following sentences of the violation of article 5, 6? 8, 9 and 11 (2°)

  • From 8 days to 2 months of detention
  • From 11 to 3 750 Euros penalty
  • one of the two sentences only

Le projet de loi prévoit une augmentation substantielle :

  • Infractions aux dispositions des articles 5, 8, 9 :
    • 6 mois d'emprisonnement
    • 7 500 euros d'amende
  • Infractions aux dispositions du 1er alinéa de l'article 6 :
    • 3 ans d'emprisonnement
    • 45 000 euros d'amende
  • Infractions aux dispositions du 2ème et des 4 derniers alinéas de l'article 6 :
    • 1 an d'emprisonnement
    • 15 000 euros d'amende

Notes :

  • Article 5 : interdiction de circulation de personnes ou véhicules, réglementation et interdiction du séjour de personnes
  • Article 6 (1er alinéa) : assignation à résidence
  • Article 6 (2ème alinéa) : assignation dans un lieu d'habitation (maximum 8h par jour)
  • Article 6 (4 derniers alinéas) : pointage, remise du passeport, interdiction de relation avec d'autres personnes préalablement désignées
  • Article 8 : fermeture des salles de spectacles, débits de boissons, etc. et interdiction de réunions
  • Article 9 : remise des armes
  • Article 11 (2°) : contrôle de la presse et des publications, des émissions radiophoniques, des projections cinématographiques, représentations théâtrales. Cette disposition est totalement supprimée par le projet de loi.

Article 5 du projet de loi - Modification de la loi sur le renseignement

L'article L.811-3 du code de la sécurité intérieure prévoit à son paragraphe 5b la mise eu œuvre des techniques de renseignement pour "la prévention des actions tendant au maintien ou à la reconstitution de groupements dissous en application de l'article L. 212-1". Or l'article L. 212-1 vise les groupes armés ou de combat, mais aussi tout groupement :

  • provoquant à des manifestations armées dans la rue ;
  • visant à porter atteinte à l'intégrité du territoire ;
  • exaltant la collaboration avec l'ennemi ;
  • provoquant à la haine envers des personnes à raison de leur origine, ethnie, nation, race ou religion ;
  • visant à provoquer des actes de terrorisme.

Le projet de loi sur l'état d'urgence veut modifier cet article afin de permettre l'application des techniques de renseignement pour la prévention des groupements dissous dans le cadre de l'état d'urgence. Il s'agit ainsi d'un élargissement considérable du champ d'application des techniques de renseignement.

Analyse des amendements adoptés en commission des Lois

Article 1 - Prolongation 3 mois

Article adopté sans amendement.

Articles 2 et 3

Articles adoptés sans amendements.

Article 4

  • [1] amendement permettant information du Parlement sur les mesures prises par le Gouvernement pendant l'état d'urgence. Ouvre la porte (sans précision) à un contrôle des mesures.

1° House arrest

2° Obligations des assignés à résidence

  • [2] en cas de confiscation des documents d'identité (carte d'identité et passeport), délivrance d'un récépissé permettant de justifier de son identité.

3° Dissolution d'associations et groupes

  • [3] Suppression de la nécessité d'avoir un membre ou une personne proche d'une association ou d'un groupe assigné à résidence pour permettre la dissolution d'une association ou d'un groupe. Il ne suffit plus que d'être une association ou un groupe « qui participent à la commission d’actes portant une atteinte grave à l’ordre public, ou dont les activités facilitent cette commission ou y incitent. » pour pouvoir être dissous (sans possibilité de se recréer à la fin de l'état d'urgence).

4° Contrôle du juge administratif

  • [4] Possibilité de réquisition de personnes ou de biens (cf code de la Défense)

5° Perquisitions

  • [5] Rédaction d'un PV par l'OPJ lors de la découverte d'une infraction pendant une perquisition, ce qui permet d'effectuer des saisies.

6° Peines encourues

Article 5

Adopté sans amendement.

Article 6

Amendements adoptés à l'AN

Article 1

Extension de l'état d'urgence à l'Outre-mer. [6]

Article 4

  • Allongement à 12h/jour de l'assignation à résidence [7]
  • Maintien de l'interdiction d'entrer en relation avec quelq'un après la fin de l'état d'urgence [8]
  • Possibilité de mettre sous surveillance électronique mobile (bracelet électronique) les personnes assignées à résidence [9]
  • Recours aux techniques de renseignement si maintien ou reconstitution des associations ou groupement dissous [10] - Cet amendement remplace l'article 5.
  • Le blocage administratif des sites internet (provoquant à la commission d’actes de terrorisme ou en faisant l’apologie) pour avoir lieu sans délai sur décision du ministre de l'intérieur [11] [12]