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Political Memory: Raül ROMEVA i RUEDA, MEP

{{#icon:RaulRomevaIRueda.jpg|Raül ROMEVA i RUEDA}}

General Data

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Functions in European Parliament

Curriculum Vitae

  • Graduate in economics, Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) (1989)
  • Doctorate in international relations, UAB (2002)
  • Research analyst in armed conflict and post-war rehabilitation (UNESCO Centre of Catalonia, Intermón Oxfam and the School for a Culture of Peace at UAB)
  • UN consultant on post-war rehabilitation and disarmament
  • Principal assistant to the UNESCO representative in Bosnia-Herzegovina
  • Responsible for UNESCO's Culture of Peace education programme
  • Member of the ICV party's Youth Development Group and National Council
  • Active member of Joves amb Iniciativa-Joves d'Esquerra Verda (1994-1999)
  • Active member of the Europe Group (since 1999)
  • Head of the Europe Group (since 2004)
  • OSCE election observer in Bosnia-Herzegovina (1996-1997)
  • Author of several books and articles, including: 'Pau i seguretat a Europa' (1998)
  • 'Desarme y desarrollo' (2000)
  • 'Guerra, posguerra y paz: pautas para el análisis y la intervención en contextos posbélicos o postacuerdo' (2003), 'Bosnia en paz: lecciones, retos y oportunidades de una posguerra contemporánea' (2003)





Thanks to improve this part with opinions from Raül ROMEVA i RUEDA about La Quadrature du Net concerned issues (see page Help:Political_Memory to know how to do it).

28/03/2010 Written Declaration 12/2010 (ACTA)

Has signed written declaration 12/2010 on the lack of a transparent process for the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) and potentially objectionable content.

22/03/2010 ACTA (Acord Comercial de la Lluita contra la Falsificació): opacitat, riscos i desproporció (Catalonian)

I supported resolution RC7-0154/2010 on the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement, and I am glad that a large majority of Parliament did so. ACTA risks becoming known as the 'Absence of Commission Transparency Agreement'. In its negotiations on ACTA, the Commission should be upholding the principles of transparency, human rights and the EU Parliament's legal right to information. Instead, the Commission is failing this litmus test of its compliance in informing Parliament under the terms of the Lisbon Treaty. The EU cannot continue to negotiate on ACTA if the people are not allowed to take part in the process.

It is also a totally absurd and unacceptable situation if MEPs, behind closed doors, have to ask the Commission about the content of the agreements we are supposed to vote on. Further more, the EU Parliament has shown that it does not accept secrecy and that it cherishes an open internet for all. MEPs have also shown that the Parliament will not accept to be treated like a doormat. The Commission has been strongly urged to keep us fully and immediately informed on the ACTA negotiations.

Very supportive to our positions.