Aide:Political Memory

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Political Memory: how to improve MEPs' pages?

While browsing these pages, you can search and update a Member of European Parliament (MEP)'s details: how to contact him/her, what mandates he/she is exercising or has exercised, a short Curriculum Vitae, how he/she has voted on some selected texts, etc. These details allow you to easily contact your MEP, especially to be involved in our campaigns. Moreover, you are strongly encouraged to improve the information in order to store various declarations and opinions from MEPs about La Quadrature du Net's matters of concerns:

  • If you have not yet, register and log into this wiki, using the link at the upper right side of each page: Créer un compte ou se connecter (these pages are readable by everyone, but you need to be registered and logged in, in order to update or create pages).
  • You can find an interesting information to be add on a MEP's wiki page:
    • By following links displayed on a MEP's page in the section “Sources”. These links reference this MEP's written questions, proposals for resolutions, reports, opinions, speeches in plenary or written declarations in the European Parliament, this MEP's page on Wikipedia, or a search on Google for this MEP.
    • In a reply from this MEP to a letter, e-mail, fax or phone call you've made.
    • On blogs and websites of this MEP.
    • Accidentally, when browsing the Web.
    • In a real life meeting, a conference or a personal interview.
    • Etc.
  • Update this MEP's wiki page by adding the collected information at the end of the article, using the following template:
===== date [web_link label] =====

<blockquote>quote paragraph 1</blockquote>
<blockquote>quote paragraph 2</blockquote>
<blockquote>quote paragraph n</blockquote>

optional comment
  • Please use the above template for optimal formatting.
    • Include the date of the publishing of said information you are inserting. Please use the following date format: DD/MM/YYYY.
    • If the opinion is quite large, or if the opinion needs some long comments, or if the opinion is not online (for example, if it comes from a real life meeting), create a new wiki page, and link to the new article as the web_link on the relevant MEP's page.

Thanks for helping us to improve these pages by following the instructions above.