Letter Sarkozy Kouchner freedom expression internet

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Translation of the letter sent by N. Sarkozy to B. Kouchner, French Minister of Foreign Affairs, on September 29th 2010, about the international conference on freedom of expression on the Internet.

French version

Mr Minister,

You informed me of your intention to host, on October 15th, an international conference about freedom of expression on the Internet.

Stakes linked to the development of the Internet are of a growing importance, in political, cultural, economical, industrial and security terms. It is obvious that the transnational nature of the Internet, as much as the strategical character of these stakes call for an international reflection and coordination. It is precisely for these reasons that I decided to make this question one of the agenda items I will suggest to our partners within the French presidency of the G8.

These issues must be considered on a global level, with care to take into account all the stakeholders, and with the objective of building a "civilized Internet". It would not be conceivable that Internet develop as a lawless zone, that our efforts to better regulate the economy would stop at the Internet world.

My conviction is that the rules which are imposed on the whole society and to traditional trade of goods and services must also be imposed on the Internet.

This principle of course applies to the respect for freedom of expression and opinion, which must be protected and defended in the same conditions as everywhere else, and assaults against it must be fought with equal determination.

The same shall apply to the respect of privacy and personnal rights, property rights and particularly copyright. On this last issue the stake is not only to defend artistic creation and the interests of authors, but also to defend a genuine society of freedom, where everyone's freedom is based on respecting the rights of others.

Moreover, new vulnerabilities that the development of the Internet creates for States, our economies, our societies, like the crime that unfolds there, should also be the object of increased focus.

Finally, the important movements of value generated by the digital economy call for a mobilisation both national and european, as well as international actions, to defend with more determination our interests and to promote the distribution of our knowledge, our goods and our services.

We must invite EU institutions and our partners to act with more determination, because Europe shall not simply become a mere user of goods and services designed and produced elsewhere in the world. It would as well be unacceptable not to raise the issue of taxation and revenue collection.

It is important that the conference you are planning emphasizes the need for this global comprehension of the stakes.I wish that it contribute to the necessary pedagogy towards an Internet respectful of the rights of everyone and also that it be an opportunity to promote balanced regulation initiatives taken by France during the past three years, especially the Hadopi law in the field of copyright, which the European Parliament just recently supported, as well as the measures taken to fight the emerging cybercrime phenomena.

Please be assured, Minister, of my best regards.