Rapport Gallo Amendments

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Draft Report[edit]



The number of the amendment is colored and the signs point out to the nature of the recommendation:

* -- : must be rejected; liberty-killer amendment
* - : should rather be rejected, bad amendment
* . : neutral, often a "cosmetic" amendment
* + : should rather be adopted, positive amendment
* ++ : must be adopted, amendment essential to the protection of rights and freedoms

Horizontal amendment -[edit]

A. whereas infringements of intellectual property rights (IPR) can constitute a genuine threat not only to consumer health and safety but also to our economies and societies,
Or. {EN}en

Justification: An all encompassing expression like “IPR infringement” is as likely to lead to abusive actions against alleged infringers as the word “piracy”. To be acceptable this amendment should replace “piracy” by “wilful for-profit infringement of trademarks and copyright”.

Compromise amendment 1 +[edit]

Recital A

whereas data concerning the scale of IPR infringements are inconsistent, incomplete, insufficient and dispersed, and whereas an objective, independent impact assessment is needed for any additional legislative proposal,

if adopted AMs 14 and 17 fall

Or. {EN}en

Justification: In reality an objective and independent assessment is needed not only on the scale of IPR infringements but also on the negation and positive impacts and on possible alternative measures. However, the acknowledgement that existing figures mentioned are not substantiated is positive, and we recommend adopting this amendment.

Compromise amendment 2 --[edit]

Recital G

whereas, with the exception of legislation on penalties under the criminal law, a Community legal framework already exists with regard to the phenomenon of counterfeiting and piracy of physical goods, but whereas lacunae persist with regard to on-line IPR infringements,

if adopted AMs 26, 27 and 28 fall

Or. {EN}en

Justification: This amendment reveals that the rapporteur sole real focus is on fighting on-line file sharing, As there is no distinction between for-profit activities and non-commercial sharing between individuals this would open the door to measures that endanger fundamental freedoms and access to culture.

Compromise amendment 3 -[edit]

Recital J

whereas there are proven connections between various forms of organised crime and IPR infringements,

Or. {EN}en

Justification: To be acceptable, the amendment should state for which forms of IPR infringements and clarify that there is no proven, nor even hinted connection between organised crime and not-for-profit copyright infringement.

Compromise amendment 4 --[edit]

Paragraph 1

Welcomes the communication of 11 September 2009 from the Commission concerning additional non-legislative measures; regrets however that the communication does not deal with the matter of completing the legislative framework by introducing a set of measures to combat intellectual property right infringements in an effective manner; welcomes the progress made in the EU in harmonising the fight against counterfeiting; encourages the Commission to step up its efforts in areas that are sensitive in terms of health and safety, including that of medicines;

if adopted AMs 38, 39 and 42 fall

Or. {EN}en

Justification: This amendment calls in reality for reintroducing extra-judicial measures ("non-legislative") the IPRED2 directive or other texts that criminalize IPR infringements in an indiscriminate manner and create penal sanctions for inciting or abetting or provision of technical means that can be potentially used for infringement. In addition if opens the door to a confusion between generic drugs (sometimes alleged to infringe patents or other titles) and life-endangering fake drugs.

Compromise amendment 5 -[edit]

Paragraph 2

Calls on the Commission to present by the end of 2010, a comprehensive IPR strategy addressing all aspects of IPRs, including their enforcement as well as their promotion, in particular the role of copyright as an enabler and not an obstacle, helping creators earn a living and disseminating their works;

if adopted AMs 47 and 48 fall

Or. {EN}en

Justification: It is not just the promotion of IPR that is needed to help creators to earn a living and disseminating their works, but the promotion of all means that contribute to this aim.

Compromise amendment 6[edit]

Paragraph 2 a (new)

Stresses that any measures taken to enforce IPR must respect the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, in particular Article 7 and Article 8, and the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, in particular Article 6, Article 8, and Article 10, and be necessary, proportionate, and appropriate within a democratic society; recalls in this connection that Article 17 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union provides for the protection of intellectual property;

if adopted AMs 47 and 48 fall

Or. {EN}en

Justification: The lack of mention of articles regarding freedom of expression and communication raises severe concerns is in contradiction with the Constitutional or conventional case law of several Member States and with previous resolutions of the European Parliament.

If one wants to quote article 17, one should also mention that article 17.1 states “everyone has the right to own, use, dispose and bequeath his or her lawfully acquired possessions”, a provision that is very relevant to the rights of use of digital representations of works.

However, the mention of articles on fundamental rights to a fair trial and privacy is positive, and we appeal to the wisdom of MEPs on what is the best choice regarding this amendment.

Compromise amendment 7 -[edit]

Paragraph 6

Does not share the Commission view that the principal body of laws with respect to IPR enforcement is already in place; points out in this respect that negotiations on the directive on criminal sanctions have not been successfully concluded

if adopted AMs 58 and 59 falls

Or. {EN}en

Justification: Same comments as for AMC 4.

Compromise amendment 8 -[edit]

Paragraph 9

Welcomes the establishment of the Observatory as a tool for centralisation of statistics and data which will serve as a basis for proposals to be implemented to combat effectively the phenomena of counterfeiting and on-line IPR infringements; urges the Commission to produce a report on how best to use Europol and existing structures for cooperation between customs authorities in this field to combat IPR criminal infringements effectively;

if adopted AMs 66 and 67 fall

Or. {EN}en

Justification: If the role of the Observatory is to prepare a basis for legislative or regulatory proposals, the introduction of a specific report on police and custom measures unduly restricts the scope of solutions for which the Observatory will produce statistics and data.

Compromise amendment 9 – or °[edit]

Paragraph 10

Wishes the Observatory to become a tool for collecting and exchanging data and information on all forms of all IPR infringements, including to compile scientific research regarding counterfeiting and IPR regulation;

if adopted AMs 69 and 70, AM 3 IMCO and AM 4 IMCO, AM 15 ITRE fall

Or. {EN}en

Justification: The amendment defines a focus for research compilation that is narrower than in many of the amendments it intends to replace. Is is however closer to acceptable than other fake compromise amendments.

Compromise amendment 10 -- [edit]

Paragraph 13

Calls on the Commission and the Member States in association with the stake holders to organise a campaign to raise awareness at European, national and local level of the risks to consumer health and safety arising from counterfeit products and also the adverse impact of counterfeiting and on-line IPR infringement on the economy and society; emphasises the need to increase awareness, especially among young European consumers, of the need to respect IPR;

if adopted AMs 74, 75, 76, 77 AM 19 IMCO, AM 16 ITRE fall

Or. {EN}en

Justification: Same comments as for AMC 2. In addition, this amendment is in total contradiction with what is stated in AMC1: it calls for a propaganda campaign based on statements that are known to be unsubstantiated.

Compromise amendment 11 --[edit]

Paragraph 15

Stresses the need to educate young people to enable them to understand what is at stake in intellectual property and to identify clearly what is legal and what is not, by means of targeted public awareness campaigns, particularly against on-line IPR infringement;

Or. {EN}en

Justification: Same comments as for AMC2.

Compromise amendment 12 – [edit]

Title after paragraph 15

Tackling on-line infringement and protecting IPR on the Internet

if adopted AMs 83 and 84 fall

Or. {EN}en

Justification: Same comments as for AMC2.

Compromise amendment 13 – [edit]

Title after paragraph 27

Stresses the importance of fighting organised crime in the area of IPRs, in particular counterfeiting and on line IPR infringements; points out in this context the need for appropriate EU legislation on proportional and fair sanctions and supports close strategic and operational cooperation between all the interested parties within the EU, in particular Europol, national authorities and the private sector, as well as with non-EU states and international organisations;

Or. {EN}en

Justification: The reference to on-line infringements in a context relating to organized crime introduces a dangerous confusion between organised crime and non-for-profit file sharing between individuals.

Amendment n°1 +[edit]

Stavros Lambrinidis

Motion for a resolution

Citation (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment
– having regard to the European Parliament's resolution of 29 March 2009 on Strengthening Security and Fundamental Freedoms on the Internet,
Or. {EN}en

Amendment n°2 +[edit]

Christian Engström

Motion for a resolution

Citation (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment
– having regard to the European Convention for the Protection of Human rights and Fundamental Freedoms,
Or. {EN}en

Amendment n°3 +[edit]

Françoise Castex

Motion for a resolution

Citation (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment
– having regards to the European Parliament resolution of 10 April 2008 on cultural industries in Europe,
Or. {EN}en

Amendment n°4 +[edit]

Lidia Joanna Geringer de Oedenberg, Françoise Castex, Bernhard Rapkay, Cecilia Wikström, Christian Engström

Motion for a resolution

Citation (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment
having regard to the European Convention for the Protection of Human rights and Fundamental Freedoms and having regard to the legally binding character of the Charter of Fundamental Rights,
Or. {EN}en

Amendment n°5[edit]

Françoise Castex

Motion for a resolution

Citation (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment
– having regards to the Communication from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions of the 25 June 2008 on the Small Business Act for Europe establishing the “Think Small First” principle for an ambitious policy agenda for SMEs,
Or. {EN}en

Amendment n°6 +[edit]

Stavros Lambrinidis

Motion for a resolution

Recital A

Motion for a resolution Amendment
A. whereas violations of intellectual property rights (IPR), defined as any violation of any IPR, such as copyright, trade marks, designs or patents, constitute a genuine threat not only to consumer health and safety but also to our economies and societies,

A. whereas infringements of intellectual property rights (IPR) can constitute a genuine threat not only to consumer health and safety but also to our economies and societies,
Or. {EN}en

Amendment n°7 ++[edit]

Françoise Castex, Lidia Joanna Geringer de Oedenberg, Luigi Berlinguer, Antonio Masip Hidalgo, Bernhard Rapkay, Stavros Lambrinidis, Cecilia Wikström, Christian Engström

Motion for a resolution

Recital A

Motion for a resolution Amendment
A. whereas violations of intellectual property rights (IPR), defined as any violation of any IPR, such as copyright, trade marks, designs or patents, constitute a genuine threat not only to consumer health and safety but also to our economies and societies, A. whereas commercial goods counterfeiting constitute a genuine threat not only to consumer health and safety but also to our economies and societies,
Or. {EN}en

Amendment n°8[edit]

Françoise Castex, Stavros Lambrinidis

Motion for a resolution

Recital A a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment
A bis. considérant que l'innovation scientifique et technique, les brevets et les industries culturelles contribuent de façon décisive à la compétitivité de l'économie européenne, tant par le nombre et la diversité de leurs emplois que par les richesses créées; considérant que l'économie de la culture, de la création à la diffusion, doit être soutenue;
Or. {FR}fr

Amendment n°9 -[edit]

Arlene McCarthy

Motion for a resolution

Recital A a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment
Aa. whereas the European Union, as a member of the World Trade Organisation, is bound by the Agreement on Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS); whereas EU Member States are thereby committed to the adoption and implementation of effective measures against all infringements of IPRs,
Or. {EN}en

Amendment n°10 +[edit]

Françoise Castex, Lidia Joanna Geringer de Oedenberg, Luigi Berlinguer, Antonio Masip Hidalgo, Bernhard Rapkay, Stavros Lambrinidis

Motion for a resolution

Recital A b (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment
A ter. considérant que le partage des savoirs et la diffusion des innovations sont des traditions fortes de l'Union européenne; considérant que l'accès du plus grand nombre aux progrès technologiques ainsi qu'aux produits culturels reste le fondement de la politique d'éducation et de développement.
Or. {FR}fr

Amendment n°11 ++[edit]

Françoise Castex, Stavros Lambrinidis, Cecilia Wikström

Motion for a resolution

Recital A c (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment
A quater. considérant qu'au sein de la société actuelle de l'information et de la technologie numérique émergent de nouvelles formes de production, de distribution et de consommation, qui génèrent de nouveaux produits et services qui exigent de nouveaux modèles commerciaux garantissant l'accessibilité et la diversité des produits, tout en accordant une rémunération appropriée aux auteurs et contributeurs à la création;
Or. {FR}fr

Amendment n°12 ++[edit]

Françoise Castex, Cecilia Wikström, Christian Engström

Motion for a resolution

Recital A d (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment
A quinquies. considérant par contre que le terme de "piratage" ne se rapporte à aucune réalité juridique récente, notamment dans le domaine culturel, et qu'il ne peut seul désigner un délit qui n'aurait pas été défini juridiquement,
Or. {FR}fr

Amendment n°13[edit]

Luis Yáñez-Barnuevo García

Motion for a resolution

Recital B a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment
Ba. Considerando que, para tratar correctamente la cuestión de la aplicación de los DPI en el mercado interior, es importante tener en cuenta no sólo el territorio de la UE sino también la situación en las fronteras exteriores de la UE y en terceros países para hacer compatible la protección a los contenidos de origen comunitario y a sus derechohabientes con el acceso a contenidos extracomunitarios por parte de los consumidores,
Or. {ES}es

Amendment n°14 ++[edit]

Françoise Castex, Lidia Joanna Geringer de Oedenberg, Luigi Berlinguer, Bernhard Rapkay, Christian Engström

Motion for a resolution

Recital C

Motion for a resolution Amendment
C. whereas data concerning the scale of IPR infringements are inconsistent, incomplete, insufficient and dispersed, C. whereas data concerning the scale of IPR infringements are inconsistent, incomplete, insufficient and dispersed, and therefore do not provide a basis for any additional criminal legislative initiatives,
Or. {EN}en

Amendment n°15[edit]

Françoise Castex, Bernhard Rapkay

Motion for a resolution

Recital E

Motion for a resolution Amendment
E. considérant que la violation des DPI est une problématique horizontale qui touche tous les secteurs industriels et en particulier les industries créatives et innovantes, E. considérant que la violation des DPI est une problématique horizontale qui touche tous les secteurs industriels et en particulier les industries créatives et innovantes et le sport,
Or. {FR}fr

Amendment n°16 -[edit]

Toine Manders

Motion for a resolution

Recital E a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment
Ea. Whereas ongoing infringements of IPR will lead to a fade out of innovation in the EU,
Or. {EN}en

Amendment n°17 ++[edit]

Françoise Castex, Lidia Joanna Geringer de Oedenberg, Luigi Berlinguer, Antonio Masip Hidalgo, Bernhard Rapkay, Christian Engström

Motion for a resolution

Recital F

Motion for a resolution Amendment
F. whereas the phenomenon of on-line piracy has assumed very alarming proportions, particularly for the creative content industries, and whereas the existing legal framework has proven incapable of effectively protecting rights-holders on the Internet and the balance between all the interests at stake, including those of consumers, F. whereas there are no reliable and independent data as to the impact of on-line IPRs infringements, and whereas the existing legal framework needs to be clarified to ensure the balance between all the interests at stake, including those of consumers,
Or. {EN}en

The creative industries have long been presuming significant economic losses due to the phenomenon of illegal file-sharing. However, such losses have never been endorsed by independent data. A similar presumption fails to take into consideration a number of studies that clearly point out the long-term benefits of file-sharing for the both the creative industry and the public’s access to knowledge. According to a study by the Dutch Ministry for Economics conducted by the Institute for Information Law of the University of Amsterdam on the economic and cultural effects of file sharing on music, film and games, file sharing has positive economic implications both in the short and long term. In a research carried out by Ipsos Mediaz Content in the UK, it has been shown that 72 % of people who admit that they download illegally are the ones who spend the most money buying content legally, whereas the main reason for illegal downloading has been identified the lack of attractive legal offers http://www.zeropaid.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/survey.pdf. The public policy on the enforcement of intellectual property rights should be informed by creditable evidence, transparent and objective peer-reviewed analysis.

Amendment n°18 +[edit]

Alexandra Thein, Cecilia Wikström,

Motion for a resolution

Recital F

Motion for a resolution Amendment
F. whereas the phenomenon of on-line piracy has assumed very alarming proportions, particularly for the creative content industries, and whereas the existing legal framework has proven incapable of effectively protecting rights-holders on the Internet and the balance between all the interests at stake, including those of consumers, F. whereas the phenomenon of illegal online file sharing of works protected by intellectual property rights or similar infringements of rights in a purely digital environment, although being an important challenge for the creative content industries, should be addressed separately from the issue of counterfeiting of goods,
Or. {EN}en

Amendment n°19 +[edit]

Stavros Lambrinidis

Motion for a resolution

Recital F

Motion for a resolution Amendment
F. whereas the phenomenon of on-line piracy has assumed very alarming proportions, particularly for the creative content industries, and whereas the existing legal framework has proven incapable of effectively protecting rights-holders on the Internet and the balance between all the interests at stake, including those of consumers, F. whereas the phenomenon of on-line piracy has assumed preoccupying proportions, particularly for the creative content industries, and whereas it has not been established yet whether the existing legal framework is capable of effectively protecting rights-holders on the Internet while guaranteeing a balance between all the interests at stake, including those of consumers,
Or. {EN}en

Amendment n°20 ++[edit]

Françoise Castex, Lidia Joanna Geringer de Oedenberg, Luigi Berlinguer, Antonio Masip Hidalgo, Bernhard Rapkay, Stavros Lambrinidis, Christian Engström

Motion for a resolution

Recital F a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment
Fa. Whereas efforts to tackle on-line non-commercial file-sharing have created a strong and prejudicial antagonism between the creative industries and their public, and that it is therefore necessary to explore new ways of creating synergy between the rights of the public and the revenues of authors and creators,
Or. {EN}en

The debate on file-sharing and the criminalisation of such practices has not led to any progress in terms of adapting the creative economy to digital technologies, and a new constructive approach regarding file-sharing and how it can contribute to the whole creative economy needs to be considered at the EU level.


Amendment n°21 +[edit]

Cecilia Wikström

Motion for a resolution

Recital F a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment
Fa. Whereas efforts to tackle online file-sharing of works protected by copyright or similar infringements of rights must enjoy public support in order not to risk eroding the support for intellectual property rights amongst the citizens;
Or. {EN}en

Amendment n°22 --[edit]

Arlene McCarthy

Motion for a resolution

Recital F a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment
Fa. whereas the unauthorised uploading of copyrighted material to the internet is a clear infringement of intellectual property rights and is prohibited by the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) Treaties on copyright (WCT) and performances and phonograms (WPPT), to which the European Union is a contracting party,
Or. {EN}en

Amendment n°23[edit]

Jean-Marie Cavada

Motion for a resolution

Recital F a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment
F bis. considérant que l'accroissement des offres légales en ligne constitue un outil anti-piratage essentiel dans le monde du numérique, étant donné que les utilisateurs s'attendent à ce que les contenus soient mis à leur disposition sur toutes les plateformes de médias, d'une manière qui leur permettre de choisir le moment où ils les consommeront,
Or. {FR}fr

Amendment n°24 -[edit]

Arlene McCarthy

Motion for a resolution

Recital F b (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment
Fb. whereas the creative sector should continue to develop models enabling access to creative content online which offer improved and cost effective choices to consumers, including access to unlimited subscription services; whereas the development of these legal services is inhibited by the growth of unlawfully uploaded content online,
Or. {EN}en

Amendment n°25[edit]

Jean-Marie Cavada

Motion for a resolution

Recital F b (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment
F ter. considérant que pour maintenir et accroître l'intérêt de ce qu'ils peuvent proposer à leurs publics, les fournisseurs de médias audiovisuels doivent pouvoir utiliser tous les nouveaux moyens de distribution; considérant que le cadre actuel d'octroi de licences doit être amélioré, de sorte que les États membres disposent d'un système souple adaptable aux nouvelles technologies,
Or. {FR}fr

Amendment n°26 ++[edit]

Françoise Castex, Lidia Joanna Geringer de Oedenberg, Luigi Berlinguer, Antonio Masip Hidalgo, Bernhard Rapkay, Christian Engström

Motion for a resolution

Recital G

Motion for a resolution Amendment
G. whereas, with the exception of legislation on penalties under the criminal law, a Community legal framework already exists with regard to the phenomenon of counterfeiting and piracy of physical goods, but whereas lacunae persist with regard to Internet piracy, G. whereas, with the exception of legislation on penalties under the criminal law, a Community legal framework already exists with regard to the phenomenon of counterfeiting of physical goods, but whereas lacunae persist with regard to the trade of counterfeited goods over the Internet,
Or. {EN}en

Amendment n°27 +[edit]

Cecilia Wikström

Motion for a resolution

Recital G

Motion for a resolution Amendment
G. whereas, with the exception of legislation on penalties under the criminal law, a Community legal framework already exists with regard to the phenomenon of counterfeiting and piracy of physical goods, but whereas lacunae persist with regard to Internet piracy, G. whereas, with the exception of legislation on penalties under the criminal law, a Community legal framework already exists with regard to the phenomenon of counterfeiting and piracy of physical goods,
Or. {EN}en

Amendment n°28 -[edit]

Stavros Lambrinidis

Motion for a resolution

Recital G

Motion for a resolution Amendment
G. whereas, with the exception of legislation on penalties under the criminal law, a Community legal framework already exists with regard to the phenomenon of counterfeiting and piracy of physical goods, but whereas lacunae persist with regard to Internet piracy,

G. whereas, with the exception of legislation on penalties under the criminal law, a Community legal framework already exists with regard to the phenomenon of counterfeiting and piracy,

Or. {EN}en

Amendment n°29 ++[edit]

Françoise Castex, Stavros Lambrinidis, Cecilia Wikström, Christian Engström

Motion for a resolution

Recital H

Motion for a resolution Amendment
H. whereas the measures provided for by Directive 2004/48/EC on the enforcement of intellectual property rights on the internal market have not been assessed from the point of view of the protection of rights, H. whereas the measures provided for by Directive 2004/48/EC on the enforcement of intellectual property rights on the internal market have not yet been assessed, from the point of view of the protection of rights nor from the point of view of its effects on consumers rights,
Or. {EN}en

Amendment n°30 +[edit]

Françoise Castex, Lidia Joanna Geringer de Oedenberg, Luigi Berlinguer, Antonio Masip Hidalgo, Bernhard Rapkay, Stavros Lambrinidis, Cecilia Wikström, Christian Engström

Motion for a resolution

Recital H a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment
Ha. whereas the telecoms regulatory framework has recently been amended, rejecting proposals for so-called graduated response schemes at EU-level, and instead includes provisions for standardised public interest notices which can address, among other things, copyright and infringement thereof without jeopardising data protection and privacy rights and stresses the need to respect fundamental rights in matters relating to internet access,
Or. {EN}en

Amendment n°31 -[edit]

Toine Manders

Motion for a resolution

Recital Ha (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment
Ha. Whereas the possibility should be created in the European legal framework to procede against infringers of copyright since international treaties are barely able to address IPR infringements,
Or. {EN}en

Amendment n°32 ++[edit]

Françoise Castex, Lidia Joanna Geringer de Oedenberg, Luigi Berlinguer, Antonio Masip Hidalgo, Bernhard Rapkay, Cecilia Wikström, Christian Engström

Motion for a resolution

Recital J

Motion for a resolution Amendment
J. whereas there are proven connections between various forms of organised crime and IPR infringements, in particular counterfeiting and piracy, J. whereas there are proven connections between various forms of organised crime and IPR infringements, in particular counterfeiting,
Or. {EN}en

Given that the word “piracy” is often equated with digital file-sharing it is proposed to erase the mention of piracy while making clear that it is only referred to commercial counterfeiting.

Amendment n°33 +[edit]

Françoise Castex, Stavros Lambrinidis, Cecilia Wikström, Christian Engström

Motion for a resolution

Recital J a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment
Ja. Whereas the co-decision role of the European Parliament in commercial matters and its access to negotiation documents is guaranteed by the Lisbon Treaty,
Or. {EN}en

Recital related to the issue of ACTA.

Amendment n°34[edit]

Francesco Enrico Speroni

Motion for a resolution

Recital K a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment
Ka. Reputando opportuno che, unitamente alla repressione degli illeciti in materia, sia prevista una tutela per il consumatore che lecitamente usufruisce dei prodotti soggetti alla tutela dei diritti della proprietà intellettuale,
Or. {IT}it

Amendment n°35[edit]

Luis Yáñez-Barnuevo García

Motion for a resolution

Recital K a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment
Ka. Considerando que la normativa comunitaria vigente no establece ningún impedimento para el desarrollo de sistemas de licencias multi-territoriales.
Or. {ES}es

Amendment n°36[edit]

Luis Yáñez-Barnuevo García

Motion for a resolution

Recital L a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment
La. Considerando que en diversos ámbitos incluyendo el sector que se basa en el texto y la imagen, existen modelos y canales de negocios, así como mecanismos de licencias que permitan un amplio acceso a las obras en una multiplicidad de formas y formatos, tanto en el ámbito nacional como a través de las fronteras,
Or. {ES}es

Amendment n°37 -[edit]

Luis Yáñez-Barnuevo García

Motion for a resolution

Recital M a(new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment
Ma. Considerando que existe y hoy un alto grado de transparencia y eficacia en los sistemas de gestión de los derechos de propiedad intelectual,
Or. {ES}es

Amendment n°38 -[edit]

Toine Manders

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 1

Motion for a resolution Amendment
1. Welcomes the communication of 11 September 2009 from the Commission concerning additional non-legislative measures; regrets however that the communication does not deal with the completion of the legislative framework; 1. Welcomes the communication of 11 September 2009 from the Commission concerning additional non-legislative measures; regrets however that the communication didn't come up with legislative proposals to address IPR infringements;
Or. {EN}en

Amendment n°39 +[edit]

Françoise Castex, Christian Engström

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 1

Motion for a resolution Amendment
1. accueille favorablement la communication de la Commission du 11 septembre 2009 visant des mesures non-législatives supplémentaires; mais déplore que la communication ne traite pas de l'achèvement du cadre législatif; 1. accueille favorablement la communication de la Commission du 11 septembre 2009 visant des mesures non-législatives supplémentaires; se félicite des progrès réalisés au sein de l'UE pour harmoniser la lutte contre la contrefaçon; encourage la Commission à intensifier ses efforts dans les secteurs sensibles pour la santé et la sécurité, notamment les médicaments;
Or. {FR}fr

As made clear by the draft report and the communication, the exiting legal framework is in the process of being evaluated. It is therefore premature to call for further legislation.

Amendment n°40 +[edit]

Toine Manders

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 1 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment
1a. In the text of the report the wording 'piracy' must be replaced by 'infringement of copyrights' and 'counterfeit' by 'infringement of trademarks' in order to have a clear and indisputable definition from a legal perspective;
Or. {EN}en

Amendment n°41 ++[edit]

Françoise Castex, Lidia Joanna Geringer de Oedenberg, Luigi Berlinguer, Antonio Masip Hidalgo, Bernhard Rapkay, Christian Engström

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 1 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment
1 bis. regrette que la Commission associe dans sa communication le terme "piratage" à celui de "contrefaçon" et introduise ainsi un flou juridique quant au délit visé,
Or. {FR}fr

Amendment n°42 -[edit]

Luis Yáñez-Barnuevo García

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 1 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment
1(bis) Acoge con satisfacción la comunicación de la Comisión, de 11 de septiembre de 2009, sobre medidas no legislativas adicionales; lamenta, sin embargo, que la comunicación no aborde la conclusión del marco legislativo mediante una serie de iniciativas de tal carácter que sirvan para combatir de forma efectiva las infracciones de los derechos de propiedad intelectual,
Or. {ES}es

Amendment n°43 ++[edit]

Françoise Castex, Lidia Joanna Geringer de Oedenberg, Luigi Berlinguer, Antonio Masip Hidalgo, Bernhard Rapkay, Stavros Lambrinidis, Christian Engström

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 1 b (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment
1 ter. s'interroge sur la pertinence de l'utilisation du terme de piratage pour désigner l'échange non commercial de contenu en ligne, qui, de fait, criminalise des millions de citoyens européens, notamment des jeunes,
Or. {FR}fr

Amendment n°44 ++[edit]

Lidia Joanna Geringer de Oedenberg, Françoise Castex, Luigi Berlinguer, Bernhard Rapkay, Christian Engström

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 1 c (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment
1c. Urges the Commission to distinguish, in the above mentioned strategy between counterfeiting of goods, which is an obvious infringement of intellectual property rights and should be punished and online file sharing, which should not be punished as long as it present a non-commercial character;
Or. {EN}en

Amendment n°45 ++[edit]

Françoise Castex, Lidia Joanna Geringer de Oedenberg, Luigi Berlinguer, Bernhard Rapkay

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 1 d (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment
1 quinquies. rappelle qu'il existe dans le domaine culturel une exception aux DPI, telle que "la copie privée"; invite la Commission à préserver cette exception et à l'adapter aux nouveaux progrès technologiques et à internet; souligne l'intérêt qu'il y aurait à autoriser le partage entre individus de copies à usage non commercial et à l'associer à de nouvelles formes mutualisées de financement de la création;
Or. {FR}fr

Amendment n°46 +[edit]

Lidia Joanna Geringer de Oedenberg, Françoise Castex, Antonio Masip Hidalgo, Bernhard Rapkay, Stavros Lambrinidis, Cecilia Wikström, Christian Engström

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 2

Motion for a resolution Amendment
2. Calls on the Commission to urgently present a comprehensive IPR strategy addressing all aspects of IPRs, including their enforcement; 2. Calls on the Commission to propose a comprehensive strategy on IPR which will remove obstacles to creating single market in the online environment and adapt European legislative framework in the field of IPR to current trends in the society as well as technical development;
Or. {EN}en

Amendment n°47 -[edit]

Marielle Gallo

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 2

Motion for a resolution Amendment
2. Calls on the Commission to urgently present a comprehensive IPR strategy addressing all aspects of IPRs, including their enforcement; 2. Calls on the Commission to urgently present a comprehensive IPR strategy addressing all aspects of IPRs, including their enforcement as well as their promotion, in particular the role of copyright as an enabler and not an obstacle - helping creators earn a living and disseminate their works;

Or. {EN}en

Amendment n°48 --[edit]

Toine Manders

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 2

Motion for a resolution Amendment
2. Calls on the Commission to urgently present a comprehensive IPR strategy addressing all aspects of IPRs, including their enforcement; 2. Calls on the Commission to urgently propose a comprehensive legislative strategy addressing all aspects of IPRs by the end of 2010, in order to improve their enforcement;
Or. {EN}en

Amendment n°49 ++[edit]

Lidia Joanna Geringer de Oedenberg, Françoise Castex, Antonio Masip Hidalgo, Bernhard Rapkay, Stavros Lambrinidis, Christian Engström

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 2 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment
2a. Stresses that any measures taken to enforce IPRs must respect the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, including Article 10, Article 8, and Article 6, and be necessary, proportionate, and appropriate within a democratic society;
Or. {EN}en

Amendment n°50 +[edit]

Christian Engström

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 3

Motion for a resolution Amendment
3. Considers that the Commission should take IPR aspects into account in all its policies or legislative initiatives and consider these aspects in all processes relating to impact assessments where a proposal would have an impact on intellectual property; 3. Considers that the Commission should take the protection of fundamental rights into account in all its policies or legislative initiatives and consider these aspects in all processes relating to impact assessments where a proposal would have an impact on fundamental rights;
Or. {EN}en

Amendment n°51[edit]

Cecilia Wikström

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 3

Motion for a resolution Amendment
3. Considers that the Commission should take IPR aspects into account in all its policies or legislative initiatives and consider these aspects in all processes relating to impact assessments where a proposal would have an impact on intellectual property; 3. Considers that the Commission should take IPR aspects into account in all relevant policies or legislative initiatives and consider these aspects in all processes relating to impact assessments where a proposal would have an impact on intellectual property;
Or. {EN}en

Amendment n°52[edit]

Françoise Castex, Antonio Masip Hidalgo

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 3 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment
3 bis. estime que la Commission devrait prendre en compte les problèmes spécifiques rencontrés par les PME en matière de renforcement des droits de propriété intellectuelle correspondant au principe "Think Small First" établi par le Small Business Act for Europe, en appliquant notamment le principe de non discrimination pour les PME;
Or. {FR}fr

Amendment n°53[edit]

Marielle Gallo

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 3 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment
3a. Call on the Commission to put a particular emphasis on the IPR situation of SMEs in line with the ¨think small first¨ principle adopted by the Small Business Act; SMEs should be at the forefront of the decision making process at the EU level due to their huge potential for Europe in terms of growth, employment and innovation as well as their essential role at ensuring diversity of choice, cultural diversity and diversity of entrepreneurship; at industry level IPR related initiatives such as anti-piracy and anti-counterfating actions should be conducted in the interests of the whole sector including SMEs;
Or. {EN}en

Amendment n°54 ++[edit]

Françoise Castex, Lidia Joanna Geringer de Oedenberg, Luigi Berlinguer, Antonio Masip Hidalgo, Bernhard Rapkay, Cecilia Wikström, Christian Engström

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 4

Motion for a resolution Amendment
4. Does not share the Commission's certitude that the current civil enforcement framework in the EU is effective and harmonised to the extent necessary for the proper functioning of the internal market and reminds the Commission that the report on the application of Directive 2004/48/EC is essential to confirm those claims; 4. Takes note of the Commission's view that the current civil enforcement framework in the EU contributes to the proper functioning of the internal market and reminds the Commission that the report on the application of Directive 2004/48/EC is essential to confirm those claims;
Or. {EN}en

Amendment n°55[edit]

Toine Manders

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 4

Motion for a resolution Amendment
4. Does not share the Commission's certitude that the current civil enforcement framework in the EU is effective and harmonised to the extent necessary for the proper functioning of the internal market and reminds the Commission that the report on the application of Directive 2004/48/EC is essential to confirm those claims; 4. Does not share the Commission's certitude that the current civil enforcement framework in the EU is effective and harmonised to the extent necessary for the proper functioning of the internal market, is of the opinion that the possibility of proceeding against infringers of IPR should be created in the European legal framework, and reminds the Commission that the report on the application of Directive 2004/48/EC is essential to confirm those claims;
Or. {EN}en

Amendment n°56[edit]

Luis Yáñez-Barnuevo García

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 4 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment
4. (bis)Por la experiencia de los titulares de derechos en algunos Estados miembros no comparte la certeza de la Comisión de que el actual marco de aplicación civil en la UE es suficientemente eficaz y está armonizado en la medida necesaria para un correcto funcionamiento del mercado interior, y recuerda a la Comisión que el informe sobre la aplicación de la Directiva 2004/48/CE, es esencial para confirmar estas conclusiones;
Or. {ES}es

Amendment n°57 +[edit]

Françoise Castex, Antonio Masip Hidalgo, Bernhard Rapkay, Stavros Lambrinidis, Cecilia Wikström, Christian Engström

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 5

Motion for a resolution Amendment
5. Calls on the Commission to draw up the report on the application of Directive 2004/48/EC, including an assessment of the effectiveness of the measures taken, as well as an evaluation of its impact on innovation and the development of the information society, in accordance with Article 18(1) of that Directive and, if necessary, to propose amendments; calls for that report also to include an assessment of the ways to strengthen and upgrade the legal framework with respect to the Internet; 5. Calls on the Commission to draw up the report on the application of Directive 2004/48/EC, including an assessment of the effectiveness of the measures taken, their compatibility with fundamental rights, as well as an evaluation of its impact on innovation and the development of the information society, in accordance with Article 18(1) of that Directive and, if necessary, to propose amendments; calls for that report also to include an assessment of the impact of the directive on the digital market of creative content, and consumers' rights;
Or. {EN}en


The transposition of the IPRED directive in Member Sates has led to controversies concerning the relevance of sanctions against non-commercial IPR infringements. Instead of suggesting that more enforcement is needed, the Parliament's report should call for such a report to critically evaluate such measures and discuss alternative public policies to regulate the digital market of creative content.

Amendment n°58 +[edit]

Cecilia Wikström

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 6

Motion for a resolution Amendment
6. Does not share the Commission view that the principal body of laws with respect to IPR enforcement is already in place; points out in this respect that negotiations on the directive on criminal sanctions have not been successfully concluded and calls on the Commission to put forward a new proposal on criminal sanctions under the Treaty of Lisbon; 6. Notes the Commission view that the principal body of laws with respect to IPR enforcement is already in place; points out in this respect that negotiations on the directive on criminal sanctions have not been successfully concluded and calls on the Commission to withdraw its current proposal and put forward a new proposal on criminal sanctions under the Treaty of Lisbon dealing exclusively with matters relating to serious infringements by organized crime entities;
Or. {EN}en

Amendment n°59 +[edit]

Françoise Castex, Lidia Joanna Geringer de Oedenberg, Luigi Berlinguer, Antonio Masip Hidalgo, Bernhard Rapkay, Christian Engström

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 6

Motion for a resolution Amendment
6. Does not share the Commission view that the principal body of laws with respect to IPR enforcement is already in place; points out in this respect that negotiations on the directive on criminal sanctions have not been successfully concluded and calls on the Commission to put forward a new proposal on criminal sanctions under the Treaty of Lisbon; 6. Shares the Commission view that the principal body of laws with respect to IPR enforcement is already in place; points out that negotiations on the directive on criminal sanctions have not been successfully concluded and calls on the Commission to put forward a new proposal on criminal sanctions under the Treaty of Lisbon for serious infringements committed by organized crime entities;
Or. {EN}en

Prior to the adoption of enforcement measures for IPR infringements, the European Commission should seek to adapt the substantive legal framework in the field of IPR. The copyright Directive is not adapted to the digital environment, whereas the Community Trademark Regulation is about to be reformed and negotiations about the creation of an EU patent are pending in the EU institutions. As regards criminal sanctions, these should be strictly limited to serious infringements committed by organized crime. The scope of the proposal should be clearly and strictly defined to ensure legal certainty and guarantee that individual consumers will not be criminalized for individual acts with no profit motivation.

Amendment n°60 +[edit]

Françoise Castex, Lidia Joanna Geringer de Oedenberg, Luigi Berlinguer, Antonio Masip Hidalgo, Bernhard Rapkay, Stavros Lambrinidis, Cecilia Wikström, Christian Engström

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 6 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment
6 bis. demande à la Commission européenne de veiller à ce que les mesures visant au renforcement de l'application des droits de propriété intellectuelle sur le marché intérieur, ne portent pas atteinte au droit légitime à l'interopérabilité, cette dernière étant essentielle pour une concurrence saine sur le marché de la diffusion des œuvres numériques, notamment pour les auteurs et utilisateurs de logiciels libres;
Or. {FR}fr

Amendment n°61 -[edit]

Lidia Joanna Geringer de Oedenberg, Françoise Castex

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 7

Motion for a resolution Amendment
7. Calls on the Commission to put forward appropriate legislative proposals based on Article 118 of the TFEU which will address the issue of an effective EU patent system; 7. Calls on the Commission to put forward appropriate legislative proposals based on Article 118 of the TFEU which will address the issue of an effective EU patent system and will harmonize certain aspects of European Copyright Law;
Or. {EN}en

Amendment n°62[edit]

Alexandra Thein, Cecilia Wikström

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 7

Motion for a resolution Amendment
7. Calls on the Commission to put forward appropriate legislative proposals based on Article 118 of the TFEU which will address the issue of an effective EU patent system; 7. Calls on the Commission to put forward appropriate legislative proposals based on Article 118 of the TFEU which will address the issue of an effective EU patent system and welcomes in this respect the Council conclusions on an enhanced patent system in Europe from 4 December 2009 as a significant positive development;

Or. {EN}en

Amendment n°63 -[edit]

Piotr Borys

Motion for a resolution

Title after paragraph 7

Motion for a resolution Amendment
Unijne obserwatorium zajmujące się zjawiskiem podrabiania i piractwa (Obserwatorium); Unijne obserwatorium zajmujące się zjawiskiem podrabiania, piractwa oraz kradzieżą danych (Obserwatorium);
Or. {PL}pl

Amendment n°64 +[edit]

Françoise Castex, Antonio Masip Hidalgo

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 8 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment
8a. Proposes to change the name of the Observatory to avoid the mention of “piracy”, which is often source of confusion and is a very controversial notion;
Or. {EN}en

Amendment n°65 ++[edit]

Christian Engström

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 8 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment
8a. Stresses that commercial good counterfeiting on the one hand, and on-line piracy on the other, are two different phenomena that should each be considered in its own right;
Or. {EN}en

Amendment n°66 +[edit]

Françoise Castex, Antonio Masip Hidalgo, Bernhard Rapkay, Cecilia Wikström, Christian Engström

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 8 b (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment
8b. Stresses the need to avoid creating new parallel burocratic structures for tasks that can be handled by existing institutions, such as Europol, forums for cooperation between customs authorities, and statistics gathering bodies within the EU, in order to avoid duplication of effort;
Or. {EN}en

Amendment n°67 +[edit]

Françoise Castex, Antonio Masip Hidalgo, Bernhard Rapkay, Cecilia Wikström, Christian Engström

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 9

Motion for a resolution Amendment
9. Welcomes the establishment of the Observatory as a tool for centralisation of statistics and data which will serve as a basis for proposals to be implemented to combat effectively the phenomena of counterfeiting and piracy, including on-line piracy; 9. Urges the Commission to come back with a report on how best use Europol and exiting structures for cooperation between customs authorities to combat effectively the phenomenon of counterfeiting;
Or. {EN}en

Amendment n°68 +[edit]

Lidia Joanna Geringer de Oedenberg, Françoise Castex, Antonio Masip Hidalgo, Bernhard Rapkay, Stavros Lambrinidis

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 9 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment
9a. Urges the Commission to guarantee that the Observatory obeys EU rules in the field of privacy and data protection;
Or. {EN}en

Amendment n°69 ++[edit]

Françoise Castex, Antonio Masip Hidalgo

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 10

Motion for a resolution Amendment
10. Wishes the Observatory to become a tool for collecting and exchanging data and information on all forms of all IPR infringements; 10. Wishes the Observatory to become a tool for collecting and exchanging data and information on all forms of all IPR infringements; its prime objective should be to compile scientific research regarding counterfeiting and IPR regulation;
Or. {EN}en

The accuracy of data regarding IPR violations has been strongly criticised on the grounds that methodology was extremely oriented to inflate the estimated importance of profit losses caused by counterfeiting (thus favouring a strengthening of IPR enforcement). Such criticisms has been voiced in arenas such as the WIPO by experts and national authorities. With the Observatory, the EU should ensure that statistics and data regarding IPR infringements are based on credible evidence, transparent assumptions as well as objective and independent peer reviewed analysis.


Amendment n°70 +[edit]

Christian Engström

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 10

Motion for a resolution Amendment
10. Wishes the Observatory to become a tool for collecting and exchanging data and information on all forms of all IPR infringements; 10. Wishes existing statistics gathering bodies to compile scientific research regarding counterfeiting and IPR regulation;
Or. {EN}en

Amendment n°71[edit]

Christian Engström

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 11

Motion for a resolution Amendment
11. Calls on the Commission to clarify the tasks which are to be entrusted to the Observatory and stresses that the success of the Observatory largely depends on the involvement and cooperation of all stakeholders, including the national authorities, rights-holders, consumers' organisations and the industries concerned, in order to increase transparency and avoid duplication of effort; 11. Calls on the Commission to clarify the tasks which are envisaged in its communication and stresses that the success of these actions largely depends on the involvement and cooperation of all stakeholders, including the national authorities, rights-holders, consumers' organisations and the industries concerned, in order to increase transparency and avoid duplication of effort;
Or. {EN}en

Amendment n°72 [edit]

Françoise Castex, Antonio Masip Hidalgo, Stavros Lambrinidis

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 12

Motion for a resolution Amendment
12. Calls on the Commission to inform Parliament and the Council fully and comprehensively about the results of the Observatory's activities through annual reports in which the Commission draws conclusions and proposes solutions necessary to enhance the enforcement of IPRs; 12. Calls on the Commission to inform Parliament and the Council fully and comprehensively about the results of the Observatory's activities through annual reports in which the Commission draws conclusions and proposes solutions necessary to improve IPR law;
Or. {EN}en

The improvement of IPR enforcement is not necessarily the solution to the challenges Europe face to achieve a real knowledge society. Therefore, the solutions of the observatory should not only relate to enforcement, but consider the broader picture of the whole IPR regimes.

Amendment n°73[edit]

Christian Engström

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 12

Motion for a resolution Amendment
12. Calls on the Commission to inform Parliament and the Council fully and comprehensively about the results of the Observatory's activities through annual reports in which the Commission draws conclusions and proposes solutions necessary to enhance the enforcement of IPRs; 12. Calls on the Commission to inform Parliament and the Council fully and comprehensively through annual reports in which the Commission draws conclusions and proposes solutions;
Or. {EN}en

Amendment n°74[edit]

Marielle Gallo

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 13

Motion for a resolution Amendment
13. Stresses the need to organise a campaign to raise awareness at European, national and local level of the risks to consumer health and safety arising from counterfeit products and also the adverse impact of counterfeiting and piracy on the economy and society; 13.  Calls on the Commission and the Member States in association with the interested industries to organise a campaign to raise awareness at European, national and local level of the risks to consumer health and safety arising from counterfeit products and also the adverse impact of counterfeiting and piracy on the economy and society;

Or. {EN}en

Amendment n°75 +[edit]

Françoise Castex, Antonio Masip Hidalgo, Bernhard Rapkay, Cecilia Wikström, Christian Engström

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 13

Motion for a resolution Amendment
13. Stresses the need to organise a campaign to raise awareness at European, national and local level of the risks to consumer health and safety arising from counterfeit products and also the adverse impact of counterfeiting and piracy on the economy and society; 13. Stresses the need to organise a campaign to raise awareness at European, national and local level of the risks to consumer health and safety arising from counterfeit products and also the adverse impact of counterfeiting on the economy and society;
Or. {EN}en

Amendment n°76[edit]

Luis Yáñez-Barnuevo García

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 13

Motion for a resolution Amendment
13. Subraya la necesidad de desarrollar una campaña de sensibilización a escala europea, nacional y local sobre los riesgos que plantean los productos falsificados para la salud y seguridad de los consumidores, y también sobre el impacto negativo de la falsificación y la piratería sobre la economía y la sociedad; 13. Requerir que se involucre no sólo la Comisión sino también a los Estados miembros y a sus Administraciones Publicas en el desarrollo de una campaña de sensibilización a escala europea, nacional y local sobre los riesgos que plantean los productos falsificados para la salud y seguridad de los consumidores, y también sobre el impacto negativo de la falsificación y la piratería sobre la economía y la sociedad;
Or. {ES}es

Amendment n°77 --[edit]

Toine Manders

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 13

Motion for a resolution Amendment
13. Stresses the need to organise a campaign to raise awareness at European, national and local level of the risks to consumer health and safety arising from counterfeit products and also the adverse impact of counterfeiting and piracy on the economy and society; 13. Stresses the need to organise a campaign to raise awareness at European, national and local level of the risks to consumer health and safety arising from counterfeit products and also the adverse impact of counterfeiting and piracy on the economy and society; emphasises the need of educating especially young European consumers that IPR concerns somebody's property and thus should not be infringed in any case;
Or. {EN}en

Amendment n°78 -[edit]

Marielle Gallo

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 14

Motion for a resolution Amendment
14. Calls on all parties concerned, including Internet service providers, on-line salesplatforms, rights-holders and consumers organisations, with regard to piracy and the sale of counterfeit products on line, to establish a dialogue on practical measures to be adopted to alert people, such as brief, visible and relevant warning messages; 14. Calls on all parties concerned, including Internet service providers, on-line sales platforms, rights-holders and consumers' organisations, with regard to piracy and the sale of counterfeit products on line, to adopt practical measures to alert and educate people on the value of copyright and the impact of piracy and counterfeiting on jobs and growth, such as brief, visible and relevant educational and warning messages;
Or. {EN}en

Amendment n°79 ++[edit]

Cecilia Wikström

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 14

Motion for a resolution Amendment
14. Calls on all parties concerned, including Internet service providers, on-line sales platforms, rights-holders and consumers' organisations, with regard to piracy and the sale of counterfeit products on line, to establish a dialogue on practical measures to be adopted to alert people, such as brief, visible and relevant warning messages; 14. Calls on all parties concerned, with regard to the sale of counterfeit products on line, to establish a dialogue on practical measures to be adopted to inform people of the risks associated with such products;
Or. {EN}en

Amendment n°80 +[edit]

Françoise Castex, Antonio Masip Hidalgo, Christian Engström

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 14

Motion for a resolution Amendment
14. Calls on all parties concerned, including Internet service providers, on-line sales platforms, rights-holders and consumers' organisations, with regard to piracy and the sale of counterfeit products on line, to establish a dialogue on practical measures to be adopted to alert people, such as brief, visible and relevant warning messages; 14. Calls on the Member States to conduct awareness campaigns with regard to the sale of counterfeit products on line, where applicable and appropriate by way of the public interest information mechanism provided for in the Citizens' Rights Directive;
Or. {EN}en

Voluntary agreements for copyright enforcement are not the appropriate instrument to address the challenges of digital distribution of copyrighted content. Voluntary agreements between the content industry and Internet Service Providers have been promoted by some national governments across the EU as the most efficient tool to address the issue of file-sharing – e.g. trying to establish national “graduated response” mechanisms. Such codes of conduct go beyond the current regulatory framework to establish practices, the legality of which remains ambiguous, as has been demonstrated by the recent French Constitutional Court decision concluding to the unconstitutionality of the “Hadopi” law, which was a follow up of a code of conduct.

Amendment n°81 --[edit]

Luis Yáñez-Barnuevo García

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 15

Motion for a resolution Amendment
15. Insiste en la necesidad de educar a los jóvenes para ayudarles a comprender lo que está en juego en la propiedad intelectual e identificar claramente lo que es legal y lo que no, a través de campañas de sensibilización dirigidas especialmente a este público, en particular contra la piratería en línea; 15. Insiste en la necesidad de educar a los jóvenes para ayudarles a comprender lo que está en juego en la propiedad intelectual e identificar claramente lo que es legal y lo que no, a través de campañas de sensibilización en las que estén más activamente implicados los gobiernos nacionales dirigidas especialmente a este público, en particular contra la piratería en línea y para concienciar sobre el papel de las EGC en la protección de los DPI;
Or. {ES}es

Amendment n°82 ++[edit]

Françoise Castex, Lidia Joanna Geringer de Oedenberg, Luigi Berlinguer, Antonio Masip Hidalgo, Cecilia Wikström, Christian Engström

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 15

Motion for a resolution Amendment
15. Stresses the need to educate young people to enable them to understand what is at stake in intellectual property and to identify clearly what is legal and what is not, by means of targeted public awareness campaigns, particularly against on-line piracy; deleted
Or. {EN}en

This whole paragraph should be deleted. As the debates taking place at the national level and at the EU and international level make clear, there is a lot of controversies regarding IPR policies in the digital environment. As long as these issues are not fully addressed at the policy-making level, public authorities should restrain from engaging in such communications campaigns.

Amendment n°83 ++[edit]

Cecilia Wikström

Motion for a resolution

Title after paragraph 15

Motion for a resolution Amendment
Combating on-line piracy and protecting IPR on the Internet Adapting intellectual property rights to the digital environment
Or. {EN}en

Amendment n°84 +[edit]

Françoise Castex, Christian Engström

Motion for a resolution

Title after paragraph 15

Motion for a resolution Amendment
Combating on-line piracy and protecting IPR on the Internet Innovating to adapt IPR to the Internet
Or. {EN}en

Amendment n°85 +[edit]

Cecilia Wikström

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 16

Motion for a resolution Amendment
16. Agrees with the Commission that additional non-legislative measures are useful to improve the application of IPR, particularly measures arising from in-depth dialogue among stakeholders; 16. Agrees with the Commission that additional non-legislative measures such as discussions on possible improvements to the digital market in Europe through voluntary harmonization of procedures and standards amongst stakeholders can be useful to improve the application of IPR, particularly measures arising from in-depth dialogue among stakeholders;
Or. {EN}en

Amendment n°86 --[edit]

Luis Yáñez-Barnuevo García

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 16

Motion for a resolution Amendment
16. Concuerda con la Comisión en reconocer que serían útiles más medidas no legislativas para reforzar la aplicación de los DPI, especialmente medidas que resulten de un diálogo en profundidad entre las partes interesadas; 16. Concuerda con la Comisión en reconocer que serían útiles más medidas no legislativas para reforzar la aplicación de los DPI, especialmente medidas que resulten de un diálogo en profundidad entre las partes interesadas sin perjuicio del establecimiento de una regulación subsidiaria que prevea las correspondientes medidas coercitivas para el caso de incumplimiento;
Or. {ES}es

Amendment n°87 +[edit]

Françoise Castex, Lidia Joanna Geringer de Oedenberg, Luigi Berlinguer, Antonio Masip Hidalgo, Bernhard Rapkay, Stavros Lambrinidis, Christian Engström

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 16

Motion for a resolution Amendment
16. Agrees with the Commission that additional non-legislative measures are useful to improve the application of IPR, particularly measures arising from in-depth dialogue among stakeholders; 16. Cautions against non-legislative measures regarding the application of IPR, as they may lead to circumvention of legal safeguards, including with respect to data protection and privacy;
Or. {EN}en

Amendment n°88 --[edit]

Marielle Gallo

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 16 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment
16a. Stresses that the enormous growth of unauthorised file sharing of copyrighted works and recorded performance is an increasing problem to the European economy in terms of job opportunities and revenues for the industry as well as for government;
Or. {EN}en

Amendment n°89 ++[edit]

Françoise Castex, Lidia Joanna Geringer de Oedenberg, Luigi Berlinguer, Antonio Masip Hidalgo, Bernhard Rapkay, Cecilia Wikström, Christian Engström

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 17

Motion for a resolution Amendment
17. Regrets that the Commission has not mentioned or discussed the delicate problem of on-line piracy, which constitutes a major aspect of this worldwide phenomenon in the age of digitisation of our societies, particularly the issue of the balance between free access to the Internet and the measures to be taken to combat this scourge effectively; urges the Commission to broach this problem in its IPR strategy; deleted
Or. {EN}en

“Piracy” over the Internet is actually mentioned in the communication, and it has been at the center of the debate regarding the Telecoms Package. This paragraph is far too inaccurate and should be deleted.


Amendment n°90[edit]

Stavros Lambrinidis

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 17

Motion for a resolution Amendment
17. Regrets that the Commission has not mentioned or discussed the delicate problem of on-line piracy, which constitutes a major aspect of this worldwide phenomenon in the age of digitisation of our societies, particularly the issue of the balance between free access to the Internet and the measures to be taken to combat this scourge effectively; urges the Commission to broach this problem in its IPR strategy; 17. Regrets that the Commission has not mentioned or discussed the delicate problem of on-line piracy, which constitutes a major aspect of this worldwide phenomenon in the age of digitisation of our societies, particularly the issue of the balance between on the one hand fundamental rights, including the right to data protection and privacy and the question of free access to the Internet, and on the other hand the measures to be taken to combat this scourge effectively; urges the Commission to broach this problem in its IPR strategy;
Or. {EN}en

Amendment n°91 --[edit]

Marielle Gallo

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 17 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment
17 bis. souligne que la lutte contre le piratage numérique ne remet pas en cause l'exercice des droits fondamentaux des citoyens tels que la protection de la vie privée. Rappelle à ce titre que la protection de la propriété intellectuelle constitue un droit fondamental conformément à l'article 17 de la Charte des Droits fondamentaux de l'UE;
Or. {EN}en

Amendment n°92 -[edit]

Françoise Castex, Lidia Joanna Geringer de Oedenberg, Luigi Berlinguer, Antonio Masip Hidalgo, Bernhard Rapkay, Stavros Lambrinidis, Cecilia Wikström

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 18

Motion for a resolution Amendment
18. Stresses that a number of factors have allowed this phenomenon to develop, particularly technological advances; recalls however that this phenomenon constitutes a violation of IPR to which appropriate, urgent solutions need to be found, geared to the sector concerned; 18. Stresses that a number of factors have allowed this phenomenon to develop, particularly technological advances and the lack of legitimate offers; recalls however that this phenomenon constitutes a violation of IPR to which appropriate, urgent solutions need to be found, geared to the sector concerned and in compliance with fundamental rights;
Or. {EN}en

Unauthorised use of copyright-protected material is due to the lack of legitimate business models that would allow consumers to buy content online. Where business models have been developed and tried, the results have been promising. For instance, the launch of Spotify, the music streaming service, has helped curb the illegal downloading of music. Enforcement measures need to respect fundamental rights, such as the right to the presumption of innocence, the right to a fair trial, the right to privacy and the right to the confidentiality of communication. Applying the same enforcement measures to criminal gangs infringing copyright for profit and individual consumers doing it for personal use is not fair or proportionate.

Amendment n°93[edit]

Cecilia Wikström

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 19

Motion for a resolution Amendment
19. Stresses that support for and development of the provision of a diversified, attractive, high-profile, legal range of goods and services for consumers may help to tackle the phenomenon, but recognises that this is not sufficient: piracy is today the biggest obstacle to the development of legal online offers and the EU runs the risk of condemning to failure efforts to develop the legitimate online market if it does not recognise that fact and make urgent proposals to address it; 19. Stresses that support for and development of the provision of a diversified, attractive, high-profile, legal range of goods and services for consumers may help to tackle the phenomenon of online filesharing of works protected by intellectual property rights, and recognizes in this respect that the lack of a functioning internal European digital market constitutes an important obstacle to the development of legal online offers and the EU runs the risk of condemning to failure efforts to develop the legitimate online market if it does not recognise that fact and make urgent proposals to address it;
Or. {EN}en

Amendment n°94 +[edit]

Françoise Castex, Lidia Joanna Geringer de Oedenberg, Luigi Berlinguer, Antonio Masip Hidalgo, Bernhard Rapkay, Christian Engström

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 19

Motion for a resolution Amendment
19. Stresses that support for and development of the provision of a diversified, attractive, high-profile, legal range of goods and services for consumers may help to tackle the phenomenon, but recognises that this is not sufficient: piracy is today the biggest obstacle to the development of legal online offers and the EU runs the risk of condemning to failure efforts to develop the legitimate online market if it does not recognise that fact and make urgent proposals to address it; 19. Stresses that support for and development of the provision of a diversified, attractive, high-profile, legal range of goods and services for consumers will ensure the development of a dynamic market for online creative content;
Or. {EN}en

Amendment n°95 +[edit]

Stavros Lambrinidis

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 19

Motion for a resolution Amendment
19. Stresses that support for and development of the provision of a diversified, attractive, high-profile, legal range of goods and services for consumers may help to tackle the phenomenon, but recognises that this is not sufficient: piracy is today the biggest obstacle to the development of legal online offers and the EU runs the risk of condemning to failure efforts to develop the legitimate online market if it does not recognise that fact and make urgent proposals to address it; 19. Stresses that support for and development of the provision of a diversified, attractive, high-profile, legal range of goods and services for consumers can ensure the development of a dynamic market for online creative content;
Or. {EN}en

Amendment n°96[edit]

Alexandra Thein

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 19

Motion for a resolution Amendment
19. unterstreicht, dass die Unterstützung und die Entwicklung eines diversifizierten legalen Angebots, welches für den Verbraucher attraktiv und sichtbar ist, dazu beitragen können, dieses Phänomen zu beseitigen, erkennt jedoch an, dass dies nicht ausreicht, denn die Piraterie ist heutzutage das größte Hindernis für die Entwicklung legaler Online-Angebote, und die EU läuft Gefahr, die Anstrengungen, einen rechtmäßigen Online-Markt zu entwickeln, zum Scheitern zu verurteilen, wenn sie diese Tatsache nicht anerkennt und umgehend Vorschläge zu ihrer Bekämpfung unterbreitet; 19. unterstreicht, dass die Unterstützung und die Entwicklung eines diversifizierten legalen Angebots, welches für den Verbraucher attraktiv und sichtbar ist, dazu beitragen können, dieses Phänomen zu beseitigen, erkennt jedoch an, dass dies nicht ausreicht;
Or. {DE}de

Amendment n°97[edit]

Toine Manders

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 19 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment
19a. Asks therefore the Commission to pressure the industry to come up with new payment facilities, in order to make it easier for European consumers to buy legally offered content through which legal downloading will increase in the EU;
Or. {EN}en

Amendment n°98 ++[edit]

Francesco Enrico Speroni

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 19 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment
19 bis. Sollecita una precisa normativa che preveda che il consumatore privato che, a partire da prodotti originali soggetti alla tutela dei diritti della proprietà intellettuale ne abbia lecitamente ricavato riproduzioni per uso personale, non sia tenuto ad alcuna dimostrazione di tale lecita riproduzione, spettando a chi ne abbia interesse provare l’eventuale violazione delle norme sulla tutela dei diritti della proprietà intellettuale;
Or. i{IT}it

Amendment n°99 +[edit]

Françoise Castex, Lidia Joanna Geringer de Oedenberg, Luigi Berlinguer, Antonio Masip Hidalgo, Bernhard Rapkay, Stavros Lambrinidis

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 20

Motion for a resolution Amendment
20. Stresses that all parties concerned, including Internet service providers, must join in the dialogue with stakeholders in order to find the appropriate solutions in the course of 2010; calls on the Commission, failing this, to submit a legislative proposal or to amend existing legislation, particularly Directive 2004/48/EC, so as to upgrade the Community legal framework in this field on the basis of national experiences; 20. Urges the Commission to rethink the critical issue of intellectual property and to invite all those active in the sector, involving in particular telecom operators and Internet service providers, to join forces and seek solutions that are equitable for large and small stakeholders as much as for consumers, that guarantee fair, effective remuneration to all categories of right holders, real choice for consumers, cultural diversity and respect of the fundamental right, fundamental rights, including the right to data protection and privacy;
Or. {EN}en

Amendment n°100[edit]

Alexandra Thein

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 20

Motion for a resolution Amendment
20. besteht darauf, dass alle Akteure, einschließlich der Internetdiensteanbieter, an dem Dialog mit den Beteiligten teilnehmen, damit im Laufe des Jahres 2010 geeignete Lösungen gefunden werden können; fordert die Kommission auf, sofern dies nicht möglich ist, einen Legislativvorschlag auf den Weg zu bringen oder die geltenden Rechtsvorschriften zu ändern, insbesondere die Richtlinie 2004/48/EG, damit der gemeinschaftliche Rechtsrahmen in diesem Bereich unter Berücksichtigung der einschlägigen nationalen Erfahrungen gestärkt wird; 20. besteht darauf, dass alle Akteure, einschließlich der Internetdiensteanbieter, an dem Dialog mit den Beteiligten teilnehmen, damit geeignete Lösungen gefunden werden können; fordert die Kommission auf, sofern dies nicht möglich ist, einen Legislativvorschlag auf den Weg zu bringen oder die geltenden Rechtsvorschriften zu ändern, insbesondere die Richtlinie 2004/48/EG, damit der gemeinschaftliche Rechtsrahmen in diesem Bereich unter Berücksichtigung der einschlägigen nationalen Erfahrungen gestärkt wird;
Or. {DE}de

Amendment n°101 ++[edit]

Françoise Castex, Lidia Joanna Geringer de Oedenberg, Luigi Berlinguer, Bernhard Rapkay, Christian Engström

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 20 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment
20a. Asks the Commission to recognize the non-commercial file sharing associated with alternative reward systems, including the creation of a new exception or limitation to the making available and reproduction rights;
Or. {EN}en

Amendment n°102[edit]

Cecilia Wikström

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 21

Motion for a resolution Amendment
21. Calls on the Commission to think broadly about methods of facilitating industry's access to the digital market without geographical borders by addressing urgently the issue of multi-territory licences as well as an effective and transparent system for rights management, as this is a requirement for the growth in services which are legal and which meet consumer demand for ubiquitous, instant and customised access to content; 21. Calls on the Commission to think broadly about methods of facilitating industry's access to the digital market without geographical borders by addressing urgently the issue of multi-territory licences, the lack of harmonized legislation with regard to copyright as well as an effective and transparent system for rights management, as this is a requirement for the growth in services which are legal and which meet consumer demand for ubiquitous, instant and customised access to content;
Or. {EN}en

Amendment n°103[edit]

Marielle Gallo

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 21

Motion for a resolution Amendment
21. invite la Commission à réfléchir aux méthodes permettant de faciliter l'accès de l'industrie au marché numérique sans frontières géographiques en examinant au plus vite la question des licences multiterritoriales ainsi que celle d'un système de gestion des droits efficace et transparent, étant donné qu'il s'agit d'une exigence pour le développement de services légaux répondant à la demande des consommateurs pour un accès total, immédiat et personnalisé; 21. invite la Commission à réfléchir aux méthodes permettant de faciliter l'accès de l'industrie au marché numérique sans frontières géographiques en examinant la question des licences multi territoriales, en tenant compte des spécificités de chaque secteur, ainsi que celle d'un système de gestion des droits efficace et transparent, qui viendrait compléter le développement existant de services légaux répondant à la demande de consommateurs pour un accès facilité et personnalisé au contenu;

Or. {FR}fr

Amendment n°104[edit]

Françoise Castex, Lidia Joanna Geringer de Oedenberg, Luigi Berlinguer, Antonio Masip Hidalgo, Bernhard Rapkay

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 21

Motion for a resolution Amendment
21. invite la Commission à réfléchir aux méthodes permettant de faciliter l'accès de l'industrie au marché numérique sans frontières géographiques en examinant au plus vite la question des licences multiterritoriales ainsi que celle d'un système de gestion des droits efficace et transparent, étant donné qu'il s'agit d'une exigence pour le développement de services légaux répondant à la demande des consommateurs pour un accès total, immédiat et personnalisé; 21. invite la Commission à réfléchir aux méthodes permettant de faciliter l'accès de l'industrie au marché numérique sans frontières géographiques en examinant au plus vite la question des licences multiterritoriales lorsqu'il existe une demande substantielle des consommateurs, ainsi que celle d'un système de gestion des droits efficace et transparent, qui viendraient compléter le développement existant de services légaux répondant à la demande des consommateurs pour un accès total, immédiat et personnalisé;

Or. {FR}fr

Un certain nombre d’entreprises européennes décident de vendre leurs produits et services sur des marchés individuels, guidés par des choix stratégiques, par la demande du marché et par des motifs culturels et linguistiques. La création d’un marché digital unique ne doit pas devenir une manière de forcer ces entreprises à entrer en compétition avec plus de parties dominantes, réduisant leur perspective de croissance progressive et s’effectuant au détriment de la diversité culturelle.

Par ailleurs, dans sa décision de 2003 sur la vente des droits de la Ligue des Champions UEFA (COMP/C.2-37.398), la Commission européenne a reconnu les avantages de l’exclusivité territoriale en notant que "Les droits médiatiques sur les compétitions de football telles que la Ligue des champions de l’UEFA sont généralement vendus pays par pays. Cela tient à la nature de la distribution, qui est nationale du fait des réglementations nationales, des barrières linguistiques et des facteurs culturels. La Commission considère donc l’étendue géographique des marchés en amont des droits médiatiques comme nationale." (Point 88).

Amendment n°105[edit]

Luis Yáñez-Barnuevo García

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 21

Motion for a resolution Amendment
21. Pide a la Comisión que piense de manera amplia sobre métodos para facilitar el acceso de la industria al mercado digital sin fronteras geográficas, estudiando urgentemente el problema de las licencias multiterritoriales, así como un sistema eficaz y transparente de gestión de los derechos, ya que éste es un requisito para el desarrollo de servicios que sean legales y respondan a la demanda de un acceso total, instantáneo y personalizado a los contenidos; 21. Pide a la Comisión que piense de manera amplia sobre métodos para facilitar el acceso de la industria al mercado digital sin fronteras geográficas, estudiando urgentemente la introducción de un sistema de gestión colectiva obligatoria para la gestión del derecho de puesta a disposición, al menos para los artistas intérpretes y ejecutantes, otorgándoles un derecho irrenunciable a una remuneración equitativa, como también se recoge en el citado documento de la Comisión de 22 de Octubre de 2009 ya que éste es un requisito para el desarrollo de servicios que sean legales y respondan a la demanda de un acceso total, instantáneo y personalizado a los contenidos y que valore consultar a las entidades representantes de los derechohabientes sobre una posible aproximación a la regulación del Satélite en la Directiva de Satélite y Cable de 1993, pues podría utilizarse como guía para establecer un modelo de gestión y remuneración de los derechos en línea (on line);
Or. {ES}es

Amendment n°106[edit]

Marielle Gallo

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 21 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment
21 bis. souligne que le cadre de l'octroi de licences devrait être amélioré sur la base de la neutralité technologique, de sorte que les États membres disposent d'un système de gestion des droits souple, efficace et transparent, adaptable aux nouvelles technologies;
Or. {FR}fr

Amendment n°107 +[edit]

Françoise Castex, Cecilia Wikström, Christian Engström

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 21 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment
21a. Calls on the Commission to review the issue of cross border management of rights and change the current situation of legal uncertainty created by the Commission Recommendation 2005/737/EC of 18 October 2005 on collective cross - border management of copyrights, taking into account the fact that copyright is inherently territorial for cultural, traditional and linguistic reasons and ensuring a pan-European licensing system providing consumers with access to the widest possible choice of content and not at the expense of European local repertoire.
Or. {EN}en

Amendment n°108 ++[edit]

Françoise Castex, Lidia Joanna Geringer de Oedenberg, Luigi Berlinguer, Antonio Masip Hidalgo, Bernhard Rapkay

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 21 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment
21a. Invites the Commission to adopt an open-ended approach to the proposals that have emerged regarding the recognition of on-line file-sharing by producing comprehensive data regarding the economic aspects of mutualised funding schemes for creation based on non-market exchanges of digital content (such as the “creative contribution” or “Kulturflatrate”);
Or. {EN}en

Policy makers must remain open in their approach of the phenomenon of file-sharing and explore all possible solutions. Increased enforcement has proven to be dissatisfactory and so alternative policies should be considered. The first step would be to properly assess the different proposals aimed at allowing non-commercial file-sharing while creating new modes of funding for creation, in order to fill the gap in this highly divisive debate over file-sharing.

Amendment n°109 +[edit]

Françoise Castex, Lidia Joanna Geringer de Oedenberg, Luigi Berlinguer, Antonio Masip Hidalgo, Stavros Lambrinidis, Christian Engström

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 21 a(new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment
21a. Stresses the need to ensure that any legislative measure should not restrict in any way the fundamental rights to data protection and privacy as recognised in EU law;
Or. {EN}en

Amendment n°110[edit]

Piotr Borys

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 21 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment
21a. zwraca ponadto uwagę na rosnące zjawiska internetowego szpiegostwa przemysłowego oraz kradzieży danych stanowiących własność przemysłową, w szczególności dokumentacji technicznych oraz kodów źródłowych;
Or. {PL}pl

Amendment n°111[edit]

Piotr Borys

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 21 b (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment
21b. proponuje by Obserwatorium zajęło się szczegółową diagnozą problemu kradzieży danych oraz przedstawiło swoją propozycję walki z tym problemem;
Or. {EN}en

Amendment n°112 +[edit]

Françoise Castex, Lidia Joanna Geringer de Oedenberg, Luigi Berlinguer, Antonio Masip Hidalgo, Stavros Lambrinidis, Christian Engström

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 22

Motion for a resolution Amendment
22. Supports steps taken by the Commission with a view to identifying the best ways to further improve the EU Customs Regulation which allows the detention of goods suspected of infringing IPRs and is, as such, one of the pillars of the Union legal framework designed to enforce IPRs;

22. Supports steps taken by the Commission with a view to identifying the best ways to further improve the EU Customs Regulation which allows the detention of goods suspected of infringing IPRs and is, as such, one of the pillars of the Union legal framework designed to enforce IPRs, and calls on the Commission and Member States to ensure that the detention of goods whose illegality is not proven should be as short as possible to avoid illegitimately blocking international transfers of such goods when overriding general interest, such as public health, are at stake in countries of destination;

Or. {EN}en

Since November 2008, customs officials in the European Union have seized at least 18 shipments of legal generic medicines from India and China to developing countries, including medicines to treat HIV and AIDS and heart disease. The EU should address the criticisms from public health agencies, including UNITAID, the WHO and many civil society groups, by reconsidering the regulations under which these seizures have been made.

Amendment n°113 --[edit]

Sebastian Valentin Bodu

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 22 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment
22a. Orice fel de măsură de îngrădire a liberului acces la internet (deconectarea temporară) trebuie să fie dispusă de o instanţă de judecată sau dacă este dispusă de o autoritate administrativă, decizia unei astfel de autorităţi trebuie să fie supusă controlului judecătoresc, în cadrul unei proceduri de apel (recurs);
Or. {RO}ro

Amendment n°114[edit]

Françoise Castex, Lidia Joanna Geringer de Oedenberg, Luigi Berlinguer, Antonio Masip Hidalgo, Stavros Lambrinidis

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 23

Motion for a resolution Amendment
23. Calls on the Commission to pursue innovative and upgraded cooperation between administrative departments and the various sectors of industry concerned; 23. Calls on the Commission to pursue innovative and upgraded cooperation between administrative departments and the various sectors of industry concerned, without prejudice to the traditional and legal distinction between the roles and competences of the law enforcement and judicial authorities and of the industry;
Or. {EN}en

Amendment n°115 -[edit]

Sebastian Valentin Bodu

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 23 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment
23a. Sancţiunile trebuie îndreptate împotriva utilizatorului şi nu împotriva persoanei pe numele căreia este făcut abonamentul, ceea ce presupune o minimă investigaţie din partea autorităţii administrative, competente să aplice eventualele sancţiuni.
Or. {RO}ro

Amendment n°116 ++[edit]

Françoise Castex, Lidia Joanna Geringer de Oedenberg, Luigi Berlinguer, Antonio Masip Hidalgo, Bernhard Rapkay, Stavros Lambrinidis

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 24

Motion for a resolution Amendment
24. Calls on the Commission to step up its cooperation with priority third countries with regard to intellectual property and continue its efforts in the context of the negotiations on intellectual property under the auspices of the World Trade Organisation concerning intellectual property, particularly in the framework of the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS); 24. Calls on the Commission to step up its cooperation with priority third countries with regard to intellectual property and promote a balanced approach in the context of the negotiations on intellectual property under the auspices of the World Trade Organisation concerning intellectual property, particularly in the framework of the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS);
Or. {EN}en

The EU has been criticised for seeking to impose harsh IPR regimes to other areas through trade agreements with other regions, exporting EU regulation that has yet to be properly assessed. At the WIPO, the EU is also the main, if not the only, opponent to an international treaty that would foster access to books for visually impaired people, refusing any harmonisation of exceptions and limitations of copyright at the international level. This hardline in favor of IPR is increasingly contentious and could be detrimental to other EU policy objectives. And more “balanced approach” is therefore needed.

Amendment n°117 +[edit]

Christian Engström

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 24

Motion for a resolution Amendment
24. Calls on the Commission to step up its cooperation with priority third countries with regard to intellectual property and continue its efforts in the context of the negotiations on intellectual property under the auspices of the World Trade Organisation concerning intellectual property, particularly in the framework of the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS); deleted
Or. {EN}en

Amendment n°118[edit]

Marielle Gallo

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 25

Motion for a resolution Amendment
25. Calls on the Commission to continue its efforts to further the negotiations on the

multilateral Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) to improve the effectiveness of the IPR enforcement system against counterfeiting and to fully inform Parliament on the progress and outcome of the negotiations;

25. Calls on the Commission that its efforts to further the negotiations on the multilateral Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) with a view to improve the effectiveness of the IPR enforcement system against counterfeiting are continued with the full account being taken of the Parliament's position, in particular as expressed in its resolution of 18 December 2008 on the impact of counterfeiting on international trade, and calls on it to fully inform Parliament on the progress and outcome of the negotiations;
Or. {EN}en

The European Parliament resolution of 18 December 2008 on the impact of counterfeiting on international trade gives a clear stance on the Parliament position on ACTA negotiations. This amendment aims to clarify that in its negotiations the Commission should take this position fully into account.

Amendment n°119 +[edit]

Françoise Castex, Antonio Masip Hidalgo, Bernhard Rapkay, Stavros Lambrinidis, Cecilia Wikström, Christian Engström

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 25

Motion for a resolution Amendment
25. Calls on the Commission to continue its efforts to further the negotiations on the multilateral Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) to improve the effectiveness of the IPR enforcement system against counterfeiting and to fully inform Parliament on the progress and outcome of the negotiations 25. Calls on the Commission to fully inform Parliament on the progress and outcome of the negotiations on the multilateral Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) and to ensure that the provisions of ACTA fully comply with the acquis communautaire on IPR and fundamental rights;
Or. {EN}en

Unlike nearly all other multilateral and plurilateral discussions about intellectual property norms, the ACTA negotiations have been held in deep secrecy. Documents such as proposals for ACTA text should be circulated and discussed with the European Parliament. Any provisions to be agreed by the negotiating parties should fully comply with the Community framework regarding the liability of ISPs and the legislation on e-commerce and IPR enforcement. The final text of ACTA should undergo scrutiny to assess its compliance with fundamental rights.

Amendment n°120 +[edit]

Françoise Castex, Antonio Masip Hidalgo, Bernhard Rapkay, Stavros Lambrinidis, Cecilia Wikström, Christian Engström

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 25 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment
25a. Reiterates its calls on the Commission to ensure that ACTA only concentrates on IPR enforcement measures and not on substantive IPR issues such as the scope of protection, limitations and exceptions, secondary liability or liability of intermediaries, and that ACTA is not used as a vehicle for modifying the existing European IPR enforcement framework;
Or. {EN}en

Amendment n°121 ++[edit]

Françoise Castex, Antonio Masip Hidalgo, Stavros Lambrinidis

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 25 b(new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment
25b. Calls on the Commission to refuse any provision that could allow trademark and copyright holders to intrude on the privacy of alleged infringers without due legal process, further criminalise non commercial copyright and trademark infringements or reinforce Digital Rights Management technologies at the cost of the rights of the public.
Or. {EN}en

These two additions are entirely consistent with the stance taken by the Parliament regarding ACTA in the Susta report previously mentioned.

Amendment n°122 +[edit]

Françoise Castex, Lidia Joanna Geringer de Oedenberg, Luigi Berlinguer, Antonio Masip Hidalgo, Bernhard Rapkay, Cecilia Wikström, Christian Engström

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 27

Motion for a resolution Amendment
27. Stresses the importance of fighting organised crime in the area of IPRs, in particular counterfeiting and piracy; points out in this context the need for appropriate EU legislation on criminal sanctions and supports close strategic and operational cooperation between all the interested parties within the EU, in particular Europol, national authorities and the private sector, as well as with non-EU states and international organisations; 27. Stresses the importance of fighting organised crime in the area of IPRs, in particular counterfeiting; points out in this context the need for appropriate EU legislation on criminal sanctions and supports close strategic and operational cooperation between all the interested parties within the EU, in particular Europol, national authorities and the private sector, as well as with non-EU states and international organisations;
Or. {EN}en

See also some other texts