NO to ACTA flyer: diff

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The NO to ACTA flyer has been updated, please help us translate it. :)


If the flyer has already been translated into your language, rather than retranslating the whole of it, you can update the translation, using the difference between the two versions provided below.

If the flyer has never been translated into your language, then now is the time!

Source of version 1.3 (current version) of the flyer in English is here:

Source of version 1.2 of the flyer in English is here, for reference:

Source of version 1 of the flyer is available here in English, for reference:

(other languages are on the NO to ACTA flyer page)

Please use the latest .odt (ie: version 1.3) to create your language's version of 1.3.
Put the text into the .odt, and send it to us at

Differences between version 1.2 and version 1.3[edit]

Here are the differences between version 1 and current version, version 1.2:


< We must act!
< Members of the European Parliament
< still have a chance to reject ACTA!


< We must act!
< Members of the European Parliament
< still have a chance to reject ACTA!
< Vote INTA: 21 June, Final vote: 3, 4 or 5 July

Differences between version 1 and version 1.2[edit]

Here are the differences between version 1 and current version, version 1.2:

You can also seem them in colour on the quadpad:


< Don't let a secret treaty
< put our Internet
< under control of major companies!


> We won't let this secret treaty
> censor our Internet and
> endanger our freedoms!


< Privatizing copyright repression by pushing Internet actors to control our communications and censor the network.


> Privatizing repression by pushing Internet companies to control our communications and censor the network in the name of an obsolete copyright regime.


< Criminal sanctions for cultural practices, targeting the means for non-commercial sharing.
< Setting in stone 15 years of “war against sharing” repressive schemes, preventing copyright reform in favour of the public and artists.


> Criminal sanctions for cultural practices, targeting technologies for non-commercial sharing and harming innovation.
> Setting in stone 15 years of failed repressive policies, preventing an urgent copyright reform in favour of the public and artists that would legalise not-for-profit sharing of culture.


< The European Parliament
< still has a chance
< to reject ACTA!


> Members of the European Parliament
> still have a chance to reject ACTA!