
From La Quadrature du Net
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The Mediakit is a video and audio database program.


It works like this :

  • Upload of the video and audio files can be done using a FTP account
  • When the uploaded file doesn't "move" anymore (I mean when its mtime is older than 1H) it is parsed, moved into a storage folder, and referenced in a MySQL database
  • A web interface shows the files, and a search engine allows the web users to find older audio and video files.
  • The web interface allows the downloads in any format of the video and audio files
  • You can affect a list of timecode and description for each video, that allows you to find a short sequence in any video or audio.
  • A cron job is used to compress the video and audio in miscellaneous formats (mp3, ogg, ogv, mp4, flv etc.)
  • When accessed using a special hostname, and using a basic http authentication, the web interface shows links to edit the name, description and tags attached to any media, and to edit the tag and taggroup list.


  • The repository is svn://
  • It is written in PHP using a MySQL database. The source code is


  • Make a homepage, before the "blog view" of items, with boxes (3x2 boxes of 5 items each?) showing the latest media for some predefined tags (hadopi, loppsi, wd12 etc.) or combinations of tags (audio+hadopi, video+hadopi+jz, etc.). Also boxes with predefined items (list of media numbers?). Make an administration interface for the boxes on the home.
  • Make a better web interface (html5 or flash automatically) to show the video and audio files, and to show less technical informations.
  • Make an iframe widget to allow publishing a media anywhere
  • Use some clean html5 display, with Flash fallback (example:
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Picture of this projet
Description The mediakit is a web application to publish, encode, tag, search and save video and audio documents related to La Quadrature's topics.
Languages PHP,MySQL
Leader Benjamin
Contributors {{{developers}}}
Repository svn://
Project Url
Demo {{{demo}}}
Download {{{download}}}