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UnGarage is a multifunction irc bot that read rss, twitter and allows to post on twitter.


UnGarage is based on ii, a filesystem for irc. The original idea came from John-Henry by jaywalk but, except the reconnection loop, those two bots don't share any code in common.

UnGarage is a combination of rsstail, bti, grep, screen and some bash to glue everything. The "code" itself cannot really be released but a methodology on how to do a similar bot can be released (but since I'm lazy I won't do this right now, if you have any question don't hesitate to ping me (Bram) on irc).

What it does[edit]

  • reads RSS from the todo and other rss (link the rp one for #lqdn-rp)
  • reads twitter RSS on the research "laquadrature"
  • reads the friend timeline of UnGarage and filter it based of keywords to show only subject that interest us.
  • allows to post on twitter with the account UnGarage with the !twitter or !tweet command
  • uses twitter interface to "special" rt (and not manual rt) with the command !rt <tweet id>
  • "!rt last" to rt the last tweet that appeared on #laquadrature
  • since it's an ii, it can be modify or moved to other chans really easily



  • Nothing special right now, we think about merging every bots into one, maybe this one.


<< back to the garage
Description UnGarage is a multifunction irc bot that read rss, twitter and allows to post on twitter.
Languages Bash
Leader Bram
Contributors {{{developers}}}
Repository none
Project Url {{{url}}}
Demo {{{demo}}}
Download {{{download}}}
ChristineA is a simple IRC bot that deals with special events and todo tasks.


ChristineA is inspired by John-Henry, although the language is different. Its primary goal is to allow IRC users to add, delete and retrieve some events (e.g. "_jz is on TV the 26th of June at 11"). The bot includes some functions to get the most urgent tasks of the todo list. Additionally, ChristineA automatically outputs some of the upcoming events or a random non-affected task once in a while.


  • !addevent (YYYY-MM-DD[ hh:mm[:ss]] or hh:mm[:ss] or 10d3h5m20s) Description : add a task
    • The task will be handled slightly differently according to the given precision : day only, hour and minute specified, and even seconds.
    • Examples : !addevent 2010-06-26 11:00:00 _jz is on TV or !addevent 1d Something's happening! (this will set the event to the next day) or !addevent 23:00 Something (this will set the event to 11pm this day)
  • !listevents : list the upcoming events (max 4)
  • !delevent Num[,Num,...] : delete the given event(s) (only IRCop can do that)
  • !todo : list the most urgent tasks

Automatic outputs[edit]

  • ChristineA automatically displays the upcoming events at 10:00, 16:00 and 21:00 of each day, Paris time (CET/CEST = UCT+1/UTC+2) ;
  • ChristineA also randomly displays a random non-affected task with an interval of 2 to 5 hours.


  • Some aliases has been introduced : !addevent and !eventadd do the same thing ; same for !events, !showevents, and !listevents (the final s is optional), and for !delevent, !supprevent and !remevent.
  • The bot also includes a list of functions for dealing with : posting a new message, automatically display mentions, etc. All of these are currently disabled.



  • Nothing at this time.


<< back to the garage
Description ChristineA is a simple IRC bot that deals with special events and todo tasks.
Languages Perl
Leader Vlavv
Contributors {{{developers}}}
Repository none
Project Url {{{url}}}
Demo {{{demo}}}
Download {{{download}}}
Voxpopuli is a web crawler that displays the output on irc.


Voxpopuli is a web crawler that search keywords on twitter, identica and google news to find article to put into the press review. It (try to) eliminate duplicate urls, find the real url behind a tinyurl etc. I'm (Bram) basically the only one to use it. It can manage blacklist on keywords and on websites and a white list.

Voxpopuli is written in python (the code isn't clean at all).



  • Combine it with crm114
  • clean the code
  • fix the bug that allow some duplicates
  • try intelligent ways to remove stupid results (like three strike for baseball) (maybe crm114 is the solution)
  • other cools ideas, but since I'm the only one to use it and I don't have the time anymore to really work for RP the development isn't active anymore.
<< back to the garage
Description Voxpopuli is an web crawler the output on irc
Languages Python
Leader Bram
Contributors {{{developers}}}
Repository [1]
Project Url {{{url}}}
Demo {{{demo}}}
Download {{{download}}}