Future of transatlantic trade

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Conference 10 avril/April The Future of Transatlantic Trade/ Le future du marché transatlantique à/in Paris[edit]

Action organisé devant la conference/ Action organised in front of the conference[edit]

Infos pratiques[edit]

  • Rendez-vous de 16h à 19h au croisement des avenues Iéna et Albert De Mun (métro Trocadéro)
  • Thème (évidemment sans obligation) : "manif de droite" => beaux vêtements et signes extérieurs de richesse
  • Teaser vidéo

The conference on 10 April in Paris at the Shangri La Hotel, 10 Avenue d'Iéna, brings together negotiators from both sides of the Atlantic and corporate leaders. The conference will address, according to the website or the organisers, addresses questions related to TTIP/TAFTA negotiations.

Considering that 1) that the TTIP/TAFTA negotiations under way between the EU and the US concern us all but that 2) representatives have argued that transparency of these negotiations has to be limited to decision makers 3) while many corporations are represented on the panels but only one representative from civil society 4) entry is EUR1500 and thus only realistically accessible to those with big wallets, which should obviously not be the qualifying factor to give one access to information into trans-atlantic negotiations.

we therefore call on everyone - the other stakeholders - to join us in the action at 4pm in front of the hotel to remind attendees that although they might feel that democracy just gets in the way of good business, it is not for the common good that they do this and that they will meet with a lot of legitimate opposition when they do.

So far planned is a demonstration by "rich and nicely dressed people" in defence of big business calling for actions against democracy. Representatives and clowns will have their voice heard that afternoon in front of the hotel, to explain why democracy is bad for their business and why the people should just let it happen, how it is good for them...

Action is planned with the collectif les engraineurs.

Conference organisé par/Organised by[edit]

Information sur The Development Institute International

Leader des conférences professionnelles des décideurs européens, Dii (Development institute international), créée en 1993, est la filiale du groupe Selectcom. L'entreprise se positionne comme opérateur de contenus professionnels à forte valeur ajoutée avec ses activités éditoriales déployées via trois entités qui partagent une même expertise de pointe : Dii conférences, Dii formations, Dii publications. Dii est concepteur d'événements sous sa propre marque et pour le compte de grands médias tels que Le Point, l'Agefi et The Economist au travers de l'agence Dii agency, créée en 2001. En avril 2013, Dii s'est porté acquéreur, via le Groupe Selectcom Finance, du titre European Voice, l'hebdomadaire de référence de l'Union européenne, renforçant d'emblée la stratégie européenne du groupe en matière d'offre de contenus à forte valeur ajoutée.

Co-sponsored par les journaux / Cosponsored by the newspapers[edit]

Graham Holdings Company (NYSE: GHC), formerly The Washington Post Company, is a diversified education and media company whose principal operations include educational services, television broadcasting, cable systems and online, print and local TV news. from http://www.ghco.com/phoenix.zhtml?c=62487&p=irol-ourcompanyprofile

Established by The Economist Group in 1995, European Voice provides essential, independent insight into the Brussels beltway for insiders and outsiders, both in print and online. As the leading source of news and analysis on key EU policies, laws and institutions, European Voice informs business leaders, policymakers and all those who have a stake in EU decisions. Our reporters cut through the complexity. They bridge the gap between technical minutiae and the big political picture. These values infuse our flagship weekly newspaper, our daily digital briefings and our live events. From http://www.europeanvoice.com/page/european-voice-about-us/153.aspx

Gold Sponsors[edit]

  • BSA - The Software Alliance (see below/voir en dessus)
  • Lilly (see below/voir en dessus)

Silver Sponsors[edit]

  • APCO worldwide (see below/voir en dessus)


  • Victoria ESPINEL, President and Chief Executive Officer, BSA THE SOFTWARE ALLIANCE - Alliance entre Apple, Microsoft, Autodesk etc pour “working with governments and public stakeholders to promote legal frameworks and market conditions necessary for the global software to flourish”.
  • Karel DE GUCHT, European Commissioner for Trade, European Commission. In charge of negotiating TTIP/TAFTA on European Commission side.
  • Ewa BJORLING, Minister for Trade and Nordic Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Sweden. Minister for Trade and Foreign Affairs.
  • Carlo d'ASARO BIONDO, President, Southern and Eastern Europe, Middle East and Africa, Google.
  • Marcelo Bahia ODEBRECHT, Chief Executive Officer, Odebrecht est une entreprise brésilienne, qui opère dans la construction, la pétrochimie, la défense et technologie, le transport et la logistique, le carburant et d'autres secteurs.
  • Ferdinando BECCALLI-FALCO, President and CEO of GE International, GE Corporate Europe. General Electric - un conglomérat américain.
  • Wolfgang BERNHARD, Member of the Management Board, Daimler, Responsible for Daimler Trucks and Daimler Buses, Daimler AG
  • Simon COOPER, Group Manage Director and CEO Commercial Banking, [www.hsbc.com HSBC] est une banque britannique et l'une des plus grandes banques du monde.
  • Stefano Di Lullo, President of the Cardiac Rhythm Management Business Unit, [www.sorin.com The Sorin Group] is a medical products group based in Italy specializing in cardiac devices.
  • Heinz HALLER, Executive Vice Persident and Chief Commercial Officer, [www.dow.com The Dow Chemical Company], société et multinationale américaine, est un géant mondial dans le domaine de la fabrication et de la distribution de produits chimiques
  • Dan HAMILTON, Executive Director, Center for Transatlantic Relations c'est un centre de l'universite de John Hopkins a Washington D.C.
  • Christophe de Margerie, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Total - une entreprise pétrolière française privée.
  • Philippe MAZE-SENCIER, Directeur General du Bureau Francais, APCO WORLDWIDE. Avant il travaillait pour EADS, et travaillait avec les institutions europeens sur les themes lies a la defense. APCO Worldwide est la deuxiemene plus grande companie de consultation aux USA.
  • Jeremy MORGAN, Vice-President, International, Diabetes, Eli Lilly and Company est un groupe pharmaceutique US Americain et global, classé dixième mondial (en 2010) par le chiffre d'affaires. Is a US American pharmaceutical company.
  • Jan MUEHLFEIT, Chairman Europe, Microsoft Corporation. CV
  • Michael PUNKE, Deputy United States Trade Representative and U.S. Ambassador to the World Trade Organization, WORLD TRADE ORGANISATION (WTO)
  • Andrzej RYS, Director of Public Health and Risk Assessment, DG Health and Consumer Protection, EUROPEAN COMMISSION
  • Marietje SCHAAKE, MEP, EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT. Dutch politician for the progressive, social-liberal party Democrats 66. Since July 2009, she has served as a member of the European Parliament. She is a member of the parliament's Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET), as well as the Committee of International Trade (INTA) and the Committee on Culture, Media and Education (CULT)
  • Howard SHELANSKI, OIRA Administrator. Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs at the Office of Management and Budget. "OIRA reviews all collections of information by the Federal Government. OIRA also develops and oversees the implementation of government-wide policies in several areas, including information quality and statistical standards. In addition, OIRA reviews draft regulations under Executive Order 12866." (from website). From wikipedia: Executive Order 12866 describes OIRA's role in the rulemaking process. In it, the President directs agencies, to the extent permitted by law, to follow certain principles in rulemaking, such as consideration of alternatives and analysis of impacts, both benefits and costs. As the Executive Order directs, OIRA reviews agency draft regulations before publication to ensure agency compliance with this Executive Order.
  • Mary JORDAN, Editor, Washington Post Live
  • Simon TAYLOR, Editor, European Voice Events
  • David IGNATIUS, Syndicated Columnist, International Affairs, Washington Post Live

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