Digital Freedom Strategy

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3 octobre 2012 - La commission des affaires étrangères du Parlement européen (AFET) travaille depuis plusieurs mois à un rapport d'initiative sur la « Digital Freedom Strategy » de l'Union européenne.

Procédure en AFET[edit]

La rapporteure au fond est Mariejte Schaake.

  • Le projet de rapport AFET a été présenté fin août 2012.
  • Le rapport, déjà adopté en AFET, pourrait être voté en séance plénière le 14 janvier prochain.

Rapport pour avis de INTA[edit]

La commission au commerce internationale du Parlement européen a adopté, par 25 voix contre 4, une résolution pour avis sur le rapport d'AFET. L'eurodéputée pirate Amelia Andersdotter était rapporteur de ce texte.

Passages clés de la résolution pour avis[edit]

Droit d'auteur:

  • 3. (...) there is concern that some people increasingly hear the word copyright and hate what lies behind it;
  • 6. Calls on the Member States and the Commission to develop IPR policy in order to continue to allow those who wish to create their own content and share it without acquiring IPR to do so;
  • 7. Calls on the Commission finally to submit a proposal for a directive on the enforcement of copyright in the digital domain that is tailored to present requirements, so that agreements can be reached with our trading partner on the basis of modern European legislations.

Exportation de matériel de surveillance et de censure :

  • 11. (...) Calls on the Commission and the Council to include a safeguard mechanism in all future trade agreements, especially those which contain provisions affecting online services and online communities of users who share information, in order to ensure that EU ICT companies are not required by third patries to restrict website access, remove user-generated content or provide personal information, such as personal IP addresses, in ways that contravene fundamental rights and freedoms (...)
  • 12. Underlines the need for more stringent supply-chain controls, along with corporate responsibility schemes and transparency mechanisms, in respect of trading in products and services, which can be used to curtail human rights and digital freedom; regards jamming and interception technology products and services as ‘single use’ items whose export should be subject to ex-ante approval; urges the Commission to present a new draft regulatory framework on dual-use exports, addressing the potentially harmful export of ICT products and services to third countries (...)

Sur la gouvernance :

  • 10. Notes that increased governmental involvement and regulation hampers the open and unrestricted nature of the internet, thereby limiting the potential for increase e-commerce and constraining EU businesses operating in the digital economy; believes a multi stakeholder approach is the best means of striking a balance between public and private interests on the internet (...).