Revue de presse en

De La Quadrature du Net
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See also:

Generic presentation of the press review Suggestions for a new design


The Press review

La Quadrature has a revolutionary tool for maintaining its press review.

The press review system stores links to articles on La Quadrature. It is divided into two sections:

Note : Articles in other languages are listed on both pages.

Inscrivez-vous à la mailing list de la Revue de presse pour participer aux tâches de regroupement des articles liés au travail de la Quadrature.

Sign up to the mailing list Press to participate in the task of grouping related links related to causes focused on by La Quadrature.

Items to be added to the system must meet a number of criteria

  • It must address issues in which La Quadrature is committed, for example:Telecom Package, Hadopi, "Three strikes", Graduated Response, Project Olivennes, Internet Filtering, etc..
  • 'It must reflect the opinion or support La Quadrature and / or quote, talk about La Quadrature.'
  • It must come from a major news organization, regional news organization (Ouest-France), national news organization (Le Monde, 20 minutes, tf1) or international news organization (International Herald Tribune, New York Times, Times of London).

Note : Articles from sources such as PCINpact or Numerama should be included only if include a scoop or new information, they can also be included if they feature a campaign launched by La Quadrature

  • Items must be recent, and of importance to the media, and if the article is urgent include "inclus rapidement". (include soon)

We don't publish articles that ...

  • are not related to topics that La Quadrature is committed to.
  • link to the main website's landing page. Links should be a permalink directly to an article, not an entire website.
  • are link aggregators or blogspam sites. (such as Netvibes or urlfan). Find the original source of the article and link to that site instead.
  • are from sites no one has heard of. Use good judgement here and link to sites that are established as credible sources for news.

Steps to the inclusion of an article

The integration of an article in the Press review is done in three steps.

Adding to the queue

Setting a queue item is done in two ways:

  • 'Google Alerts' returns automatically alerts us to the expressions cited above.
  • 'On the IRC channel', users can post urls to add to the press review by typing '! Rp' followed by the URL they wish to propose.