List of projects

De La Quadrature du Net
Révision datée du 7 mai 2012 à 16:10 par Sophiemais (discussion | contributions) (Voir aussi)
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This page lists the projects supported by La Quadrature du Net. You are welcome to participate in the projects you want.

The projects

Logo nl.png Web Site Accès pad
Redesign the LQDN Web Site ( )
Drupal web development, web design, graphics (pictograms, illustrations).
IRC Channel : #lqdn-travail
Deposits :
Mailing list
Aucun dépôt
Aucune tâche

Projet.png Memopol (en) (said « Memopol 2 ») Accès pad
This project aims to improve the Political Memory. The development is done in Python Django.
IRC Channel : #lqdn-memopol
Mailing list
Aucun dépôt
Aucune tâche

Symbole de la neutralité du réseau en français.png RespectMyNet (en) Accès pad
This project aims to improve the site webdesign, in view of encouraging maximum reporting and confirmation of violations of Net Neutrality.
IRC Channel : #nnmon
Mailing list
Aucun dépôt
Aucune tâche

LogoMediaWikiExtensions.png Wiki Project Accès pad
This project aims the maintenance and continuous improvement of the wiki. The Wiki is the toolbox of neurons of La Quadrature du Net. Site
Aucune mailing list
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Aucune tâche

Piphone final.png PiPhone Accès pad
This project aims to develop the campaign tool PiPhone, which connects citizens and members free, by phone. Site
Aucune mailing list
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Crystal Clear app Login Manager.png Newcomers Reception Accès pad
Project to organize and facilitate the reception of newcomers. Facilitate their integration in the projects etc.. Aucun site
Aucune mailing list
Aucun dépôt
Aucune tâche

Projet.png ACTA widget Accès pad
Widget, based on the widget Pas peur d'Hadopi, and using the visuals of the video NO to ACTA, to post on its website for information on ACTA Aucun site
Aucune mailing list
Aucun dépôt
Aucune tâche

Nuvola mimetypes ooo draw tpl.png Graphic chart Aucun pad
Creating a simple and complete document on the graphic elements to use for graphics / design around the Quadrature, and avoid the mistakes.
Possibly a PDF containing all of the graphic.
Aucun site
Aucune mailing list
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Aucune tâche

Nuvola mimetypes ooo draw tpl.png Files illustration Aucun pad
Each issue of Quadrature (ACTA, directive, net neutrality, etc..) Needs a picture just to illustrate .
Some files still lack a pictorial clear and precise image.
Aucun site
Aucune mailing list
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Aucune tâche

Nuvola apps aktion.png One minute video Aucun pad
An important question, a clear answer.
Each video begins by presenting a written question and someone answers it, facing the camera. The video ends with the logo LQDN with a link to the site.
ACTA, neutrality, legitimacy of sharing.
Aucun site
Aucune mailing list
Aucun dépôt
Aucune tâche

See also