How to Help

De La Quadrature du Net
Révision datée du 6 avril 2012 à 16:05 par Meli melo (discussion | contributions) (Warn decision makers and political representatives)
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Your help is welcome!
Geek or not, every skills are necessary to fight for our freedom !

There are various ways of taking part in the La Quadrature du Net's action, here are a few examples:

Keep yourself informed

To be able to stay informed of our publications and future actions, you can subscribe to the following RSS feeds:

You can also subscribe to our newsletter. Your email address will be used for nothing but sending messages related to our activity. It won't be shared to third-parties.

Talk about La Quadrature du Net around you

You can participate by sharing informations and documents found, on this wiki and on La Quadrature du Net's website, with your friends, colleagues, family. Warn them about legislative projects on national, European and international levels.
You may freely use La Quadrature's visuals in your messages.

Warn decision makers and political representatives

You can contact Members of your national Parliament, and Members of the European Parliament to share your concerns and ask them to act against Internet related law projects that endanger individual freedoms. You will find all the information on La Quadrature's political memory.

To call them, you may use the PiPhone. It is activated only during campaigns launched by La Quadrature.


La Quadrature du Net often needs help to accomplish certain tasks and your know-how can be very precious.

You are not a Geek

It is absolutely not a problem, on the contrary !
The fact is that people around La Quadrature du Net, because of their main interests, are often geeks. But it is not a requested skill. The fact that you don't have the same point of view or the same references than most of us actually help us to stand back.

You might want to:

  • Contribute to this wiki

You can Contribute to the wiki by complementing it, adding consistent content, correcting spelling and grammar mistakes.

  • Edit the press review

You can integrate the PR team and update the Press Review. Go to this page (in French) to get more informations about the working process and the edition of the press review. If you're willing to join the PR team, come on the IRC #lqdn-rp chatroom (with English speakers) where you'll receive a cheerful welcome.

  • Translate

Calls for translations (flyers, infographics...) are made on the "Traduction" mailing list. Do not hesitate to subscribe.

If your language skills allow you to translate without using an auto-translation software then your know-how will be highly appreciated.

  • Record interventions

La Quadrature du Net would like to keep trace of its spokespersons' interventions and of the broadcasts that deal with its issues. To do so, we need people to record these shows and broadcast them via the mediakit. For more information, please read our tutoriel enregistrement (in French).

You are a Geek, a real one

  • Python

The political memory and Respect My Net need developers (Django). You can participate on:

- the IRC chan #lqdn-memopol ou #nnmon (freenode)
- the mailing lists memopol or RespectMyNet.

Websites of La Quadrature du Net (Drupal), Respect My Net (Django) and Political Memory (Django) need webdesigners. You can subscribe to the "Graphisme" mailing list to offer your help.

  • Graphics

If you have graphics skills, your help is welcome. We mainly ask for banners or buttons. You can subscribe to the "Graphisme" mailing list to offer your help.

tasks management is taken care of with Redmine.

Support us

You can also support us with a donation.


We tried to make an as detailed as possible list of the ways that you can contribute to La Quadrature du Net's actions. If you still have questions, do not hesitate to ask us via email ( or on IRC.