E-Privacy/LIBE CAS

De La Quadrature du Net
< E-Privacy
Révision datée du 6 décembre 2017 à 18:10 par Leo (discussion | contributions) ((1) Further processing communications data without consent)
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This page intends to rate the main points of the compromise amendments discussed in LIBE Committee just before the vote of it's final report on the ePrivacy Regulation on 19 October. The debate in LIBE was dominated by rapporteur Lauristins (S&D) strong willingness to reach a compromise with the conservative groups represented by shadow rapporteur Michal Boni (PEE). Being in line with the position of La Quadrature du Net at the outset, the shadow rapporteurs Jan Albrecht (Greens) et Sophia in't Veld (ALDE) did follow Lauristin on this approach. Their submission to the compromise-dogma lead to several alarmingly dangerous proposals, especially with regard to (1) further processing of our communications data without our consent, to (2) geolocalisation of our devices and to (3) online tracking for commercial purposes in form of cookies. The reason for this devastating objective lays down in the Parliaments internal [rules of procedure http://www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc.do?pubRef=-//EP//TEXT+RULES-EP+20170116+RULE-069-3+DOC+XML+V0//EN]. As the right-wing groups did not want to accept the text - even though it was voted in LIBE on 19 October - they opposed the mandate of Lauristin in order to submit the text to new amendments, this time in plenary. This situation is what Lauristin wanted to avoid at all costs of the compromises with the right-wing. Therefore, it was necessary that the regressive groups lead by Boni left the negotiations table that the so called 'pro-privacy' coalition (S&D, ALDE, Greens and GUE) was given a second chance to get back on track. It should be noted that these compromise amendments have not been published officially, which is why we assorted them according to their importance. Here are the main points of negotiation :

Further processing communications data without consent

Compromise amendment 04.10.

(2) Geolocalisation

(3) Online tracking