Against ACTA

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Révision datée du 30 octobre 2011 à 18:38 par 2a01:e35:2f43:b00:21e:64ff:fe22:6c34 (discussion) (EU Privacy Watchdog (EDPS) - February 2010 - ACTA's digital chapter)
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This page lists the different documents or public statements against the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA).

Brazil - October 2010 - ACTA threatens fundamental rights

A Brazilian official in charge of intellectual property in the Foreign Affairs Ministry says ACTA "by trying to speed up the fight against piracy, can endanger rights, privacy and freedoms online". He further points to the illegitimacy of ACTA, which was negotiated outside of multilateral arenas.

Prof. Korff - August 2011 - ACTA goes against fundamental freedoms

The Green group of the EU Parliament also commissioned an impact assessment of ACTA on fundamental freedoms which stresses that ACTA's provisions "either eliminate safeguards existing under international law or, after strengthening enforcement measures, fail to introduce corresponding safeguarding measures." The study also contradicts the Commission's claim that ACTA does not go beyond the acquis communautaire, stressing that ACTA "will directly or indirectly require additional action on the EU level".

EU Parliament study - July 2011 - Calls on MEP to refuse consent to ACTA

Link to PDF An independent study ommissioned by the Directorate-General for External Policies of the European Parliament recognizes ACTA's lack of safeguards for fundamental rights, while underlining that it is "difficult to point to any significant advantages that ACTA provides for EU citizens beyond the existing international framework." According to the study, "unconditional consent would be an inappropriate response from the European Parliament given the issues that have been identified with ACTA as it stands".

Senate of Mexico - June 2011 - ACTA is unconstitutional

The Mexican Senate approved a resolution calling on the government not to sign the anti-counterfeiting agreement ACTA. In its conclusions, it argues that the digital chapter could lead to privatized online censorship, with harmful effects on Net neutrality (and therefore freedom of expression), access to communications or access to culture.

EU IPR Academics - February 2011 - ACTA goes beyond EU law

In an opinion, leading European academics shows how ACTA clashes both with EU law and with the enforcement provisions of the TRIPS Agreement, particularly on border measures, damages, and lack of safeguards.

ETNO, EuroISPA, Cable Europe and GSMA - November 2010 - ACTA could lead to extra-judicial cooperation

In a joint statement, four leading trade associations for EU Internet service providers take issue with ACTA. They criticize the creation of new criminal sanctions for IPR infringements, which go beyond current EU law, and express "concerns about the provision within ACTA on cooperative agreements within the business community as a means of addressing copyright infringement. Such text could lead to the introduction of extra-judicial cooperation, thereby also contradicting current EU law".

Brazil, China and India - October 2010 - Oppose ACTA during WTO meeting

During a TRIPS meeting at WTO, leading emerging economies voiced concerns with ACTA.

  • Brazil expressed its disagreement with ACTA, saying that "ACTA may affect the balance of rights and obligations embodied in the international intellectual property system between rights holders, on the one hand, and third parties who are users of protected goods and services, on the other".
  • China also criticized ACTA, stating that "excessive or unreasonably high standards for IPR protection could unfairly increase monopolistic profits of right holders, eating into the consumer surplus and further broadening the gap between the rich and the poor in the world".
  • India stressed that, ACTA includes "several elements which have far reaching implications for ACTA non-Members".

UN Rapporteur on the Right to Health - October 2010 - ACTA might violate international law

United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Right to Health, Anand Grover, commented during an October 28 public consultation on ACTA and the right to health, that the process for creating ACTA appears to violate international human rights obligations for ensuring participation in law making affecting access to medicines and other health issues.

75 US intellectual property scholars - October 2010 - ACTA harms the public interest

75 US intellectual property scholars wrote to President Barack Obama to criticize its administration for "negotiating a far-reaching international intellectual property agreement behind a shroud of secrecy, with little opportunity for public input, and with active participation by special interests who stand to gain from restrictive new international rules that may harm the public interest".

International Federation of Library Associations - March 2010 - ACTA will hamper access to information

According to the IFLA, "ACTA's objectives and methods endanger the balance of copyright, and seriously conflict with the library community's commitments to equitable access to information and cultural expression."". The organization expresses grave concerns regarding "the extreme secrecy surrounding the ACTA negotiations and the complete lack of transparency related to ACTA's procedures". They criticize the fact that traditional international forums scuh as WIPO and WTO have been bypassed.

Health Action Internation Europe - March 2010 - ACTA to chill generic competition and threaten the generics industry

In a document subitted to the EU Commission, HAI expressed its concerns regarding ACTA. "ACTA will have a negative effect on access to medicines, especially in the South". "ACTA will have significant opportunity costs and therefore could undermine efforts to identify and remove dangerous medicines in developing countries". According to the NGO network, instead of putting the focus on enforcing patents and other rights, the EU should help developing countries to strengthen medicines regulatory authorities.

EU Privacy Watchdog (EDPS) - February 2010 - ACTA's digital chapter violates right to privacy

In an opinion, the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS), an independent institution in charge of protecting citizens' privacy and personal data, strongly criticised the secrecy surrounding the negotiations. It also expressed its concern over the "three strikes" policies and Internet filtering measures, which are part of the U.S initial proposal for the ACTA Internet Chapter. According to the EDPS analysis, these measures would violate citizens' fundamental rights as guaranteed by European law.

Reporters Without Borders - January 2010 - ACTA is a threat to online free expression

Reporters Without Borders, an international NGO defending freedom of the press, says it is "very concerned about the threat to online free expression from measures to combat digital piracy and copyright violations" in ACTA.

Worlwide Coalition of NGOs and businesses - December 2009 - ACTA is a global threats to freedoms

A worldwide coalition of Non-Governmental Organizations, consumers unions and online service providers associations published an open letter to the European institutions regarding ACTA. According to the open letter: "ACTA would profoundly restrict the fundamental rights and freedoms of European citizens, most notably the freedom of expression and communication privacy". The first signatories include: Consumers International (world federation of 220 consumer groups in 115 countries), EDRi (27 European civil rights and privacy NGOs), the Free Software Foundation (FSF), the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), ASIC (French trade association for web2.0 companies), and civil liberties organizations from all around Europe.