How to act against ACTA

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First of all, thanks, it's great that you *do* want to act!

Right now, the most important thing to do is to inform people, making sure the message gets across to as many people as possible. This may sound obvious, but people can only take action if they know about ACTA and how bad it is.

What to do?


So, everyone can help inform everyone else:

  • by showing the video to family, colleagues, friends (not just geeks, everyone)
  • by spreading the video far and wide via twitter, facebook, mailing lists, email, on forums, on your blog, etc.

The video is released under a permissive and freedom-granting Creative Commons licence, so you don't have to ask to use it. :)

Express yourself

Creating more art and expressing oneself is also a very important part.

You can: - write an article on your blog, - write an article for your school, college/university or company newspaper - write to your newspapers asking why they aren't talking more about ACTA and telling them about ACTA - create more videos, films, pictures, paintings against either the whole of ACTA or specific parts of the treaty. - people can also remix and reshape the videos to make them their own and give them more and new life.

Organise events

  • by having public showings of the video at your school, university, etc.

Publicly take a stand=

If you are part of an NGO, consider publicly denouncing ACTA, and telling your members about ACTA's dangers.

If you are a well-known person or celebrity, you can also use your following to inform people about ACTA and denounce it.

Be part of the campaign to crush ACTA

Soon, when the campaign launches, the most important thing everyone can do is simple, and takes 10 minutes : Call the Members of the European Parliament.

The EU is the last large entity that has not signed ACTA: if the European Parliament votes NO to ACTA and rejects it, this will deal a fatal blow to the treaty.

In the weeks before ACTA is voted (probably in mid-December), as many people as possible must call the Members of the European Parliament to tell why ACTA is dangerous, why it is a denial of democracy, and that they must reject it.

Until then, telling everyone about ACTA so that they know what is going on is the most important thing to do!

Thanks for your help :)