Snowden revelations impact Australia

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Snowden’s disclosures affect Australia, as that country is one of the ‘Five-Eyes’ alliance of intelligence partners. Australia’s electronic intelligence agency is called the Australian Signals Directorate(ASD), previously known as the Defence Signals Directorate. The disclosures showed that the Australian intelligence agency surveillance programs targeted Indonesia, East Timor, Malaysia and the Philippines, with information shared with the US. They also show that Australia offered to share information on ordinary Australians with the Five-Eyes partners.11

Les révélations de Snowden affectent Australie, en tant que pays membre de l'alliance du renseignement des ‘Five-Eyes’. L'agence de renseignement d’origine électromagnétique Australienne est appelée Australian Signals Directorate(ASD), anciennement appelée Defence Signals Directorate (DSD). Les révélations montrent que le programme de surveillance de l'agence de renseignement Australienne cible l'Indonésie, le Timor oriental, la Malaisie et les Philippines, en partageant les informations avec les États Unis. Elles montrent aussi que l'Australie à proposée de partager des informations sur les Australiens ordinaires avec ses partenaires des Five-Eyes.11

This created concern amongst Australian legal, digital rights and civil liberties communities. Geoffrey Robertson QC argues that ASD breached the law in offering detailed information on Australian citizens to its foreign partners.12

Cela a créé des inquiétudes chez les juristes Australiens, les communautés du droits numériques et des libertés civiles. Geoffrey Robertson QC fait valoir que l'ASD a violé la loi en donnant des informations détaillées sur les citoyens australiens à ses partenaires étrangers.12

Disclosures about Australia’s involvement received wide coverage in Australian media. The then Labor government Attorney-General, Mark Dreyfus, received secret briefings on PRISM in March 2013, months before Snowden revealed that information.13

Les révélations sur la participation de l'Australie ont reçu une large couverture des médias australiens. Le procureur général du gouvernement travailliste d'alors , Mark Dreyfus, a reçu des informations secrètes sur PRISM en Mars 2013, plusieurs mois avant que Snowden ne révèle l'information.13

Australian agencies were reported to have spied on Indonesian president Yudhoyono and his wife.14

Les agences Australiennes auraient espionnées le président indonésien Yudhoyono et sa femme.14

Commercial advantage in trade negotiations appears to be the motive for spying on a US law firm representing Indonesian clove and prawn suppliers.15

Des avantages commerciaux dans les négociations semble être le motif d’espionnage d'un cabinet d'avocats américain représentant les fournisseurs de clou de girofle et de crevettes indonésiens.15

Australia monitored phone calls in the Philippines.16 L’Australie a surveillée les appels téléphoniques des Philippines.16

Furthermore, the Malaysian government, political leaders and defence had been targeted by ASD for years.17

A leaked map shows four Australian sites involved in US global intelligence collection which are the US-Australian Joint Facility at Pine Gap, the Australian Defence Satellite Communications station near Geraldton(WA), the Shoal Bay Receiving Station near Darwin, and another site near Canberra.18

In late June 2013, the Joint Parliamentary Committee on Intelligence and Surveillance (JPCIS) declined to endorse a sketchy AGs proposal, with no legislative draft, for data retention on an increased scale. Snowden’s revelations, combined with reluctance by agencies and AGs to offer detail, pushed JPCIS into a rare query for a request for greater legal scope for surveillance. Greens Senator Ludlam pushed a motion for a Senate review of electronic surveillance, known as the Senate Select Committee on Electronic Surveillance. Major parties have refused earlier attempts to establish an inquiry. The motion to re-establish the Joint Standing Committee on Intelligence and Security was refused. On December 2013, the Greens party announced that Senator Ludlam’s Senate motion was successful.19

These developments have led to the inquiry into a comprehensive revision of the Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Act 1979.20

The review will report in August 2014. However, the Inspector-General rejected any inquiry into allegations that the ASD offered information about Australians to foreign agencies. Ludlam commented on ‘The Day We Fight Back’, 11 February 2014, that the debate in Australia is subdued compared to the US.21

The Australian Law Reform Commission is likely to recommend in June a new tort of serious invasion of privacy, to complement limited protection for personal information provided by the Privacy Act1988 (Cth). The 2014 amendments to the Privacy Act strengthened enforcement powers but weakened the Principles, and retain law enforcement and ‘authorised by law’ exceptions. The tort would enable Australians to litigate for privacy. This is a step forward, but it is unclear if disproportionate surveillance would be covered. The new conservative government seems unlikely to implement the proposed privacy tort or give the Privacy Commissioner adequate resources. It also seems uninterested in reining in powers or activities of intelligence and law enforcement agencies, or considering risks and harm to individuals, businesses or the public in terest from erosion of trust in communications confidentiality, IT security and privacy. However, Snowden’s disclosures have given privacy and surveillance issues a higher profile than ever before and in the longer term may lead to improvements in legal privacy protection. The outcome is by no means certain, with the capacity for inhibiting stronger privacy laws ever present.